Metal whole the way. Sad thing though is that metal somehow have killed it self. What I want is real metal a la early Metallica and all those San Francisco bay trashers but all this death, black and even some of power metal have destroyed real metal. Music is mostly very nice at any kind of metal level except black/death where it´s just too much but what bother´s me are those million voices in one song like Blind Guardian and Rhapsody for ex. Cool music but if they just could keep it down to 2-3 voices it would be much better. Blind Guardian´s songs are so too much and at some songs there´s alway multi voices whole the way. Not a single word with one voice.
The only band who could do that kind of music (lot´s of voices thing) was Queen. But than again, there was only ONE Freddie Mercury. (Best damn singer ever lived)!!!
Punk is crap. Definitly. There are some briht ligts but not many.
BTW, Gangsta Rap is cool man. But the thing they do (so called war) is idiotic.
Dejan S. No speed limit