Electric Guitars are the inspiration for cries of "Turn that damn thing down"-Gibson website
Kurt Cobain

I was never into Nirvana, but I just got the unplugged cd, and I've been reading through the tablature at various sites. I get the impression that Kurt Cobain is dead. Is he?
# 1

Yes he is.
A lot of folks and MTV try to make him out as some sort of martyr - but he was a coward.
A lot of folks and MTV try to make him out as some sort of martyr - but he was a coward.
# 2

How and when did he die?
Electric Guitars are the inspiration for cries of "Turn that damn thing down"-Gibson website
# 3

this thread is pretty funny...cuz a lot of people knew when he died it not being a secret and all. He died from blowing his head off with a shot gun...sucicide. Not sure what the year was, maybe 1996...or around that time.
WWSD? What would stevie do?
# 4

Well then, quite the unpleasent death, anyone know why? Sorry for asking all these questions, but once I get involved about a band, and then find something out that I didn't know, I like to know all there is.
Electric Guitars are the inspiration for cries of "Turn that damn thing down"-Gibson website
# 5
He suicided in '96 ... I believe he was suffering from lots of stress applied on him by the type of life he was leading , drug addiction & stuff like that ... He was a perverted person from early age due to the non-healthy family life he had, I realy sympathy with him.
You'll find his bio in many sites online , also read his suicide note (probably you may not understand it , I didn't anyway !).
You'll find his bio in many sites online , also read his suicide note (probably you may not understand it , I didn't anyway !).
# 6

i have read a lot of info from websites but GuitarWorld did an issue with Nirvana on the cover and they had this terrific story about Nirvana and Kurt Cobain's life and addiction. i think it was Nov 2000 or Nov 2001. somewhere around there.
Thanks for listening to this small piece of me.
# 7

Killing yourself is the cowardly way out. Especially when there are children in the picture. They need us.
# 9

just wana say, one of the major holes in his suicide was the fact that, they found THREE TIMES the lethal dose of heroin in his blood. So if he did inject himself with that much how on earth did he manage to shoot himself, wudnt he of been incapacitated?
You are only free to do anything,
Once you've lost everything.
Once you've lost everything.
# 10

i would rather face hell on earth than commit suicide. but from has been described to me, Kurt Cobain might have been experiencing just that and more. he hated the fame with a passion, he had a heroin that was impossible to shake. he had already tried to OD from what i read previously in this thread. so two cases of hell on earth here: the unescapable fame that he hated so very much, and the heroin addiction. i still can't really accept that people will actually kill themselves.
Thanks for listening to this small piece of me.
# 11

Cobain maybe coward, maybe not, but you should agree that he was an awesome artist. For a moment his band turned the music industry upside down -- he was on the charts on first place, before Michael jackson madona and the greasy 80's rockers.
Then he became a prey of his own image...
However there are indeed many unclear things around his death. I have read that the footprints on the gun were not very clear, as if somobody had tried to erase them. And it is not very likely that Kurt first blew his head and then decided to erase the footprints.
Then he became a prey of his own image...
However there are indeed many unclear things around his death. I have read that the footprints on the gun were not very clear, as if somobody had tried to erase them. And it is not very likely that Kurt first blew his head and then decided to erase the footprints.
The world is loaded, it's lit to pop, nobody is gonna stop!
# 12

Originally posted by sithgt6
Killing yourself is the cowardly way out. Especially when there are children in the picture. They need us.
You should realise that the fact that you wouldn't consider suicide should tell you that people commiting suicide aren't thinking straight,coz if they were,they'd be seeing things just like you,and wouldn't kill themselves.
And besides,who says suicide is a way out?Out where?It's not like when you die you'll be floating 200 metres above the ground and seeing how others are suffering but you you're just so cool,counting the clouds and stuff.
Unless you can get into the mind of a suicidal person,you can't really know what's going on with them.
And before anyone starts,I've never lost anyone to suicide.
# 13

Originally posted by Slow Diver
...I have read that the footprints on the gun were not very clear...
That's a new one.
I didn't know Kurt was a contotionist!!
This is killing me!!
# 14

did I say footprints??? :D
fingerprints, okay
it was late in the evening and I was quite sleepy...
but it is funny :D
did I say footprints??? :D
fingerprints, okay
it was late in the evening and I was quite sleepy...
but it is funny :D
The world is loaded, it's lit to pop, nobody is gonna stop!
# 15

now how would footprints work? good stuff. but his death is a still a large controversy.
Thanks for listening to this small piece of me.
# 16
Originally posted by kingdavidI have, and I think you've got it just about right.
...And before anyone starts,I've never lost anyone to suicide.
# 17

Well then, what a s****y life he had. Any one else who has been down that road and is still here with us, I don't know what to say, you are either lucky, or very strong willed. I applaude you for that.
Electric Guitars are the inspiration for cries of "Turn that damn thing down"-Gibson website
# 18

Originally posted by PonyOne
Some of us are better at dealing with misery than others...
Just coz you got the will/drive/belief/whatever to keep going doesn't mean those that don't are cowards or what have you.It's just an ability that they don't have.
It's just that,unlike sport or shredding,lacking these abilities results in something that is as final as death,whereas if say you can't shread(like me),all it really means is that I can't impress some girl or something.
Impressing some chic.
So very different.
# 19

Coward - noun, One who shows ignoble fear in the face of danger or pain.
The inability to cope with what has been brought before you is cowardice. I'm sorry if I offend, but to deliberately take one's own life to run from that which cannot be handled is a poor choice. If within a situation that creates that kind of dispair there are hundreds of choices to be made that can affect the outcome of one's life. To lay your pistols on the ground and quit is unaccepable by any means. It may be an end to whatever it may be that haunts you, but it opens a whole new world of pain to what was left behind.
I've been there, with friends and myself and I still come to the same conclusion. It's wrong, sometimes it might be understandable to some degree, but the fact still remains - fight or flee, and fleeing from everything is the greatest form of cowardice that I can think of. Granted, running from a fight is the right thing to do at times - to LIVE and fight another day.
We can sit here and argue back and forth about who has had it bad and all that yaya (no offense to you and yours) but I can think of nothing that would justify that choice. There are too many other options available - no one and nothing can control, dictate, predict or assume the course of another human beings life (found that out the hard way) people control themselves and can and will do whatever it is that they desire.
Anyone who deliberately ends their life by their own hands to turn tail and run away from everything is a coward.
The inability to cope with what has been brought before you is cowardice. I'm sorry if I offend, but to deliberately take one's own life to run from that which cannot be handled is a poor choice. If within a situation that creates that kind of dispair there are hundreds of choices to be made that can affect the outcome of one's life. To lay your pistols on the ground and quit is unaccepable by any means. It may be an end to whatever it may be that haunts you, but it opens a whole new world of pain to what was left behind.
I've been there, with friends and myself and I still come to the same conclusion. It's wrong, sometimes it might be understandable to some degree, but the fact still remains - fight or flee, and fleeing from everything is the greatest form of cowardice that I can think of. Granted, running from a fight is the right thing to do at times - to LIVE and fight another day.
We can sit here and argue back and forth about who has had it bad and all that yaya (no offense to you and yours) but I can think of nothing that would justify that choice. There are too many other options available - no one and nothing can control, dictate, predict or assume the course of another human beings life (found that out the hard way) people control themselves and can and will do whatever it is that they desire.
Anyone who deliberately ends their life by their own hands to turn tail and run away from everything is a coward.
# 20