Originally posted by trendkillah
You'll probably ignore this post, but I'll elaborate anyway.
A) You basically said all new-metal is ****, which is worth some critisism.
B) You imply that now Metallica has gone new-metal, thus gone ****.(as far as I know, their new release is planned for the summer, do you have an inside scoop?)
C) By saying all of that you imply that playing on a guitar that's not tuned in standard E, you play new-metal, thus ****.
Silly assumptions like that are worth a comment, but I guess I was too lazy to go into it. I'll keep my butt out of topics like this in the future. ;)
Again, my apologies if I upset anyone. I hope nobody lost any sleep over it.
[Edited by trendkillah on 02-11-2003 at 01:14 PM]
By "New Metal" , I wasn't refering to a definite style or something , I was refering to new music that's related to metal or heavy rock , which are mostly sh*t IMHO ... You may have another opinion , and you may describe the types of music I listen to as SH*T , and I won't call you ignorant unless I realy know you are.
Lots of people describe an extremely talented band like Dream Theater as BORING ... I still respect those people, and never called them ignorants.
So I can't be an ignorant just cuz I don't like new metal crap , right ?
If you re-read my first post carefully again , you'll find that I didn't IMPLY that metallica are going into new metal , I said I'm EXPECTING .
It's very normal to expect New Metal album , and perhaps some RAP metal songs too ... Did you know that everything is ok now between Lars & Durst ? Also the track they released with JA Rule ... And you dubbed me IGNORANT posting my expectations.
I know that detuned guitars aren't mainly for new metal , but it's realy hard to believe that metallica are going death metal or anything else , there are NO SIGNS for that.
BTW, death metal is mainly sh*t too IMHO . (although I played in many death metal bands before , and probably will play with other death metal bands in future too, but that will always be my opinion )
Let's do some maths :
2 last albums full of crap that is more close to new metal than to their old style + Rap track with JA rule + fixing relations with Limp Bizkit & touring with them next summer + (B) detuned guitar signatures .... What the Fu*k should I expect the new album to be ???
New Metal is my answer, specificaly with lots of Rapping .... And if you had another opinion , you could have just posted it instead trying to be sarcastic at me, probably just to show off !
No problem anyway ... I replied to your post just to say that I'll only ignore nonsense ... Any sort of grown-up critisism/arguing is always welcome.