Ciao from Italy

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08/24/2022 10:33 pm

Hi everyone! My name is Andrea and I'm from Italy. I bought my guitar (a squire affinity strat) back in 2004 when I was 14, but I never had the right mindset to focus and learn playing. Just strumming some random riffs from my favorite bands. Easy result: I quit after a while.

Now time has passed and I realized that the Dream to learn the guitar never left me and I finally have the right mindset. The random strumming when I was a boy is now helping me to move through the Fundamental course without too much handling barrier.... and I I'm finally really enjoying again to have a neck and a pick in my hands!

# 1
Drake the Red
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Drake the Red
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08/25/2022 3:02 pm

Ciao, Andrea from Italy

Am I the only one who plays multiple instruments? Let's be inspirational and find our muses everyday!

# 2
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08/29/2022 12:28 pm
Originally Posted by: Drake the Red

Ciao, Andrea from Italy

Thanks mate!

I'm really enjoying this platform. Tutorials are great and there's a wonderfull community!

# 3
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08/30/2022 10:04 am

Welcome Andrea! That was my father's name:)

# 4

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