And people often feel like they are failing at guitar when it can be that the guitar they're using is failing them.
I never liked the feel of a Gibson Les Paul Custom. As many guitarist play them, I find them oddly uncomfortable. Like Ozzy guitarist's brand Wylde Guitars, they're based more on the Custom vibe, I do not like playing those guitars. If either of those had been my first guitar (my first guitar was a Gibson Les Paul so anything could have happened...well, not the Wylde guitar in 1981...), I might not have continued. My Les Paul in 1981 was perfect for me.
When I read this article, that's the overall lesson I get; that it's important to find something that fits you. Not all guitars will.
I got my Gibson Les Paul Traditional a few uers back as when I played it, it felt almost exactly like my first LP. Even now when I pick that one up, I enjoy it just that tiny bit more than my others...And I loved playing all my guitars.
Like a marriage, find the right one and keep her!