Hi!!! my name is Pier Karlezi, absolute begginer, first of all please excuse me for my rusty english, i really haven't practise at all since a got out of highschool here in Chile, specially writting... so please don't think i'm too lazy, and forget my mispellig.
i've started on the 27th of february... and i finally made
it trough the first to courses, now i have too choose wich path is better for me... i want to do every one of them so i'm gonna just start in order.... yes i know that can be lazy...hahaha
this thing is amazin, i have never ever palyed guitar before, i've always though that would be imposible for me to learn how to play any instrument... Thanks!!! really.... i just sang a song to my wife for the first time and she even cried a little (thanks Andrea for that amazing song that you wrote called "wrote you a song")...
Well thats all folks, from Chile!!!! i'll be wondering around the forums picking your brains, so bare with me.