My practice routine is chaotic. I, like many people have lots of stuff coming at me all day long. Usually I sit down for a practice session at night but sometimes it's difficult to make strides because I'm usually exhausted. [br][br]Started getting into the habit of picking up a guitar during the day and just doing something. [br][br]At first it was whatever came to mind but a couple weeks ago I started doing something each day. One day I would do a picking exercise, the next try working through a riff, etc...
A couple days ago I was focusing on barre chords. I always had trouble with the full barre but it seems like I figured a something out where i am able to consistently land the shape and get good tone on all strings. This was a major struggle for me so being able to do this opens a door. [br][br]
Moral of the story is if you have a couple minutes pick up a guitar if possible. You might be in for a pleasant surprise.