Keeping track of songs i've learned

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01/24/2022 12:49 pm

Can someone suugest a good way to keep track of all the songs I've learned, both here and elsewhere, so I can easily reference them? Would be nice if there was an app or such so it's always with me on my phone/iPad. Also if you have a suggestion on how to store them in a way so I don't have to go back through all the lessons to refresh my memory and practice them again in the future?

Much appreciated

# 1
Guitar Tricks Admin
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Guitar Tricks Admin
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01/24/2022 6:11 pm

There are a few ways to keep track of the songs you've learned on Guitar Tricks!

1) The Progress tab. This section shows your overall progress across the site.[br]2) The History tab. This section shows which lessons you've most recently watched, chronologically, so you can pick up right where you left off.

3) The Favorites tab. In this section, you'll see all the songs/tutorials you've marked as a 'Favorite.' That way, you can easily keep track of any lessons you wish to watch again.

Hope this helps!

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# 2
William MG
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William MG
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01/24/2022 7:31 pm

I use a coil notebook. Sorry, I know it's not high tech.

I also create a backing track using karaoke version and down load it to my pc so I can play along.

This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!

# 3
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01/24/2022 9:46 pm

I use the Favorites tab as discussed in the post by GT Admin. I also list the songs on an Excel spreadsheet divided into 2 groups. The first group are the songs I am currently working on, which I will work on quite frequently. The 2nd group are the songs I have a good grasp and will play occaisionally.


# 4
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01/27/2022 1:39 pm

I have songs from many sources. So I print them out on paper and put in a binder. Low tech, but has a big advantage of not needing an internet connection to play (recently was without power for three days from a hurricane). Also songs have "disappeared" from GT. Having them printed no one can take them away! And I keep backups as PDF or Word docs on my computer, so I can reprint if necessary.


[Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus Top Pro (2), Fender Player Stratocaster (2), Fender Player Telecaster (2), Squire CV 60's Stratocaster, Hamer Ecotone, Yamaha APX600 (2), Epiphone ES-339, GTX-100 (2), Spark 40 (2), Spark Mini.]

# 5
john of MT
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john of MT
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01/27/2022 4:56 pm

If only...

For years, I've been suggesting/asking for a bit more freedom/more options when using the Favorites tab. What I would like to see is the same capability we get from any browser, i.e., let us create sub-folders within the Favorites.

If we could create sub-folders ("new folder" in the language of the Edge browser) we could save songs/their urls to folders named by us. For me, one of those would be Songs. Within those sub-folders we could arrange the listing as we see fit or breakdown the new folder even futher, e.g., genres; blues, rock, etc.

Sigh... maybe some day.

"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
# 6
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02/08/2022 11:05 am

Simple good old fashioned memory, try playing every song you know at least once during every practice before starting to learn a new song, this way you stay sharp on what you already know and it is a great way to warm up for the challenges of learning something new.

remember, if you don't practice what you have already learned you might forget how to play in the first place so writing it down on paper might not have the desired results.

# 7

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