Changing chords without Bass notes first.

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01/04/2022 3:13 pm

So I have been going through guitar fundamentals with Lisa and am close to getting to the end of level one and I am now learning the song "With you I am Whole" Through the course I have found it easy setting my chords up on time using the bass note first strategy.

However this is the first song that has left out the bass note first and is just switching from chord to chord normally. That is what im really struggling with, I am finding it difficult to switch normally from chord to chord in time.

Any help and tips are hugeley appreciated?

# 1
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01/05/2022 4:25 pm

Focus on imprinting the patterns of the chords in YOUR HEAD. Once you can visualize the chord patterns, then you need to work on having [u]all [/u]your fingers land on the fretboard [u]at once.[/u] If you place your fingers one at a time, your are probably all ready out of time with the beat of the song.

SO...First= visualize the chord patterns. Second= learn how to place all your finger in position with one shift movement. Lastly, work on your picking pattern. Chords should not be shackled to any specific picking pattern. So work on steps one and two until you are no longer getting derailed by this "base note must be start the chord" problem.

Maybe just work on strumming the first beat of each measure until you can make all the chord changes in time with the rythym of the song, without missing any beats. Only then, gradually, work on specific picking patterns.

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01/09/2022 12:50 pm

Thank you so much

# 3
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01/09/2022 4:50 pm
Originally Posted by: lufcfisher96

I am finding it difficult to switch normally from chord to chord in time.

Any help and tips are hugeley appreciated?

What helped me was a practice routine that I read about quite a while back...before the internet. I think it's designed to be used as an entry level practice routine. Make a chord of your choice then strum it, completly remove your fretting hand and touch your knee and play the chord again. Do this 20-30 times per chord. Then repeat using another chord and so on.

This trying to get my left hand and right hand to work together is driving me crazy!

# 4

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