Back in June of 2021 I picked up my guitar again after a long time away. I'm familiar with building calluses and what it takes to get them. Here the past few months Ive been playing/practicing at least an hour if not longer. I will say that this time around its taking me longer to build up really good calluses.Even now they're not where I think they should be. Maybe it's because I'm almost 60 years old now??
Anyway, Here recently Ive noticed a painful spot on my middle finger. The best way I can describe its appearance is that it looks like a small dent in the tip of my finger. Its painfull to put pressure on that "dent" whether it be on a string or my pushing it against any surface. Ive also noticed that after playing that spot looks yellow. Ill try to post a picture.
Curious if anyone else has experienced this and if so what did you do to get rid of it. Not sure if its an age thing like I mentioned above??
This trying to get my left hand and right hand to work together is driving me crazy!