YouTube ad

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01/02/2022 2:16 pm

Is anyone else completly fed up with the Guitar Tricks YouTube ad that plays EVERY time a click on a YouTube video? I like this site, and have been a full member for 2 years, but if I see that ad one more time I'm going to cancel my membership. It's so ANNOYING that I need to see an ad 1000 times for something I am already subscribed to. There is such a thing as negative effects to persitant advertising.

# 1
john of MT
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john of MT
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01/02/2022 6:13 pm
Originally Posted by: dwthreinen

Is anyone else completly fed up with the Guitar Tricks YouTube ad that plays EVERY time a click on a YouTube video? I like this site, and have been a full member for 2 years, but if I see that ad one more time I'm going to cancel my membership. It's so ANNOYING...

I just did a YouTube search on "Guitar Tricks" and played the first four videos listed. No ads. Of course, that might be the result of my AdblockPlus being set 'on' for YouTube. In any case, I don't remember ever seeing a GT ad on YouTube until I intentionally looked for one this morning.

Try Adblock (it's free and effective) or try patience.

Good luck, have fun.

"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
# 2
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01/02/2022 6:34 pm

I see them. Usually with a 5 sec countdown to skip add.

These aren't on Guitar Tricks vids though.

So ads for GT help others get their videos on to YouTube.

How else do you think YouTube exists if it wasn't by adverts.

Ads for GT attract subscribers . The more the merrier to keep the cost of GT as low as possible. [br]Amazing what people can let upset them.


# 3
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01/02/2022 7:15 pm

I have never seen an ad for Guitar Tricks on YouTube, although I do often see them for other "learn guitar" sites or software

I wish this forum had a "block user" feature. Possibly I'm not the only one......

# 4
William MG
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01/03/2022 12:28 am

No sense blaming GT. They don't place the ads, an algorithm does. Try the ad blocker like John points out.

This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!

# 5
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01/03/2022 1:25 pm

Another alternative is just don't use YouTube. Guaranteed that you won't see the GT ads.

# 6
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01/03/2022 5:34 pm

Yeh, like others have said, it's not GT doing this. It's YouTube's algorithm. I was also seeing the GT ad a lot. It knows you are a guitar player and so it's showing you ads that are relevant to guitar players.[br][br]I think there is a way to stop seeing repetitive ads assuming you are signed in to YouTube.[br]There is a little (i) icon in the bottom left that you can click on (at least on desktop YouTube)

When you click it shows a popup with a link to "Stop Seeing this Ad". You will of course continue to see other guitar related ads! :-)[br][br]

# 7
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02/10/2022 3:44 pm

I see that ad ALL THE TIME myself! I wish the YOUTUBE algorithm could just know I have a membership and back off on the ad.

# 8
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11/28/2022 10:41 am

 I wish the YOUTUBE algorithm could just know I have a membership and back off on the ad.

# 9
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11/28/2022 10:45 am

same but different

Mike Olekshy friday night youtubes seem to be getting interupted with more ads.

Still worthwhile as great sessions

Worth the ads

Youtube may also be pushing ads because they are also pushing an ad free subscription at the same time


# 10
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12/13/2022 3:39 pm

Just download an add blocker and enjoy advert free everything. 


# 11
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12/13/2022 3:39 pm

Just download an add blocker and enjoy advert free everything. 


# 12
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04/12/2023 6:26 pm
#1 Originally Posted by: dwthreinen

Is anyone else completly fed up with the Guitar Tricks YouTube ad that plays EVERY time a click on a YouTube video? I like this site, and have been a full member for 2 years, but if I see that ad one more time I'm going to cancel my membership. It's so ANNOYING that I need to see an ad 1000 times for something I am already subscribed to. There is such a thing as negative effects to persitant advertising.

If it's not that add, it'll be another. Seems like you're just wound to tight. You need to listen to feelin groovy by Simon and Garfunkle.

# 13
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05/09/2023 11:12 am
#11 Originally Posted by: chemical_fusion

Just download an add blocker and enjoy advert free everything. 


I think downloading a ad blocker is old trick, So you can try the Brave Browser, Because this browser can block each and every ads while using.

# 14
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07/12/2023 11:28 am

hello leoandress69 ! Does this Brave browser have a high fee to use?  Vampire Survivors

# 15
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07/22/2023 9:14 am

agree! It'd be fantastic if YouTube's algorithm acknowledged memberships, providing ad-free experiences for subscribers. Fingers crossed for enhanced personalization in the future!..

# 18
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11/02/2023 8:08 am

Is anyone else incredibly frustrated with the Guitar Tricks YouTube ad that plays every time I click on a video? I appreciate the site and have been a full member for two years, but the constant repetition of this ad is driving me crazy.

# 18
john of MT
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john of MT
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11/02/2023 2:09 pm
#18 Originally Posted by: rijunag483

Is anyone else incredibly frustrated with the Guitar Tricks YouTube ad that plays every time I click on a video? I appreciate the site and have been a full member for two years, but the constant repetition of this ad is driving me crazy.

Kinda weird.  A few GT members have complained about this but I've never experienced it.

"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
# 19
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11/03/2023 6:02 am

I am likewise surprised to hear about this since I haven't come across a single YouTube ad (or any other ad) on this site in the three years that I've been a subscriber. But then, I use ad-blocking browser extensions on all browsers. Apparently, they're very effective, not to mention completely free.

# 20
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11/13/2023 11:40 am

I mean you will still see the adverts if you do lol.  Nothing to do with GT, its youtubes advertising algorithm.  Try adblockers


# 22

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