Ok thank you, here goes,
I am at the start of your Travis Picking Based lesson of “Keep on Truckin,”
You teach what you call the “block travis pic” The best way to explain it is to give an example, EG; C Chord 5th , 2nd, 4th, 3rd , 5th, 2nd, 4th, 3rd. To make up the 8th notes of the bar. Another way of saying it is Root, R, M3, P5, R, R, M3 P5.
The other song that you teach also using this Block pattern is “Hang Me oh Hang me”
[u]Question 1; [/u]In the song Lesson “Keep on Truckin” COULD we use Travis Pick pattern (C Chord) 5th 3rd, 4th 2nd, 5th ,3rd 4th , 2nd. Or R-P5-M3-R x 2 to make up the bar.
[u]Question 2;[/u] In the lesson when you transition down the guitar to the F chord(open F) you say to use fingers 3 and 2 to pick strings High E and B respectively and keep thumb on the bass note, (Ie index finger takes a rest here) How imperative is this? I understand you have the theory of each finger has a string that it is parked on , We do however lower the Thumb in this case to pluck the lower string (D and G strings) for the bass notes, why not lower the whole right hand and pluck B and E strings with finger 1 and 2. I understand your theory but how important is it to follow your advice?
[u]Question 3[/u]; You say During Travis pic playing Do not park pinky finger below sound hole as an anchor. When you mention this you mention something about Tone also. How important is it not to Park Pinky as an anchor? Is it to improve Tonal quality or does it restrict flow and movement of other fingers?
Sorry To bombard you with questions. I am incidentally fluent on song “Hang Me oh Hang me” Which I followed your lesson to the letter. It took me kind of 4 weeks to get that song down and I have been playing it fluently for almost a year now. Other Travis Pic songs in my repertoire are “Leaving on a Jet Plane “ and the best one “Landslide by Fleetwood Mac”. (both these I mention here I use the Travis pic pattern I refer to in question 1 and not your Block Travis that you teach in your lesson songs “Hang Me and Keep on Truckin”. I’ve probably created complete confusion now so I shall stop typing.