I now play a better acoustic guitar. A Faith Naked Parlour
doing the usual noodling with one string riffs etc I was able to change my one string SotW from a one string to a more compact 2 string riff allowing practice of power chords as well as finger practice.
My 8th fret E string sounds exactly like my 3rd fret A string. A C note
A while since I picked up my electric and my E string sounds drony and these same frets do not sound alike.
I suspect my E may be an octave low but it seems a big wind to go up to the next octave.
I'm going to change strings today so I will give it that final push.
Can someone please give me the assurance that my understanding is correct.
Moving down 2 and up 2 will give the same note an octave above and if the fretboard allows moving down 1 and down 6 should give the exact same note. discounting the usual adjustment on the B string
when doing the manual tuning using the 5th fret the notes should be exact not just something like