First formal guitar lessons at 63

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09/29/2021 11:53 pm

Good evening.

I recently signed up on GuitarTricks to take my first formal guitar lessons.

I turned 63 in July, also suffered a mild stroke the week before my birthday. I have been strumming myself using the occasional YouTube lesson but have decided that I want to turn from guitar collector to guitar player. Since I have been on disability for short term and I may just decide to retire afterward, I thought this would be a great time to start.

Hoping to connect with others just starting on the same path. Good luck to everyone!


# 1
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09/30/2021 1:01 am

Well Joe, I wish you well. I did the same thing at 65, tried a variety of things for 5-6 years learned a lot about music and guitars but never really how to play. Did fine reading music and playing melodies but chords gave me a fit and I never did get the hang of them. Dabbled for a couple more years then finally just stopped. Last month I picked up a guitar for the first time in 2-3 years. Here I am at 76 and trying again. The only way you can fail is if you quit trying. Good luck Joe. [br][br]


# 2
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09/30/2021 1:11 am

Thanks Bud, I wish you well on your quest

# 3
William MG
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William MG
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09/30/2021 2:00 am

Best of luck to both of you. It's a tough instrument to play and old age doesn't help, but taking it for what it is and enjoying what we can do will keep it fun.

This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!

# 4
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09/30/2021 11:01 pm

I took lessons when I was 11 or 12 years old but I didn't learn much and quit. I was being taught songs from a previous generation which I wasn't interested in. So, when I retired at 62 years old I took lessons again and joined Guitar Tricks. I've been able to learn quite a bit in the past year despite having a heart attack at 63 years old. Now I'm 64 years old and just recorded my first song, American Woman by The Guess Who, using Garage Band for the first time. I enjoy it and it keeps me busy and gives my mind something to do!

Good luck with your lessons!


# 5
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10/01/2021 1:44 am

G'day Joe. Having taken up the challenge at 62½ myself just before Christmas 2017, it's challenging enough without the reflex response and retentive muscle memory of youth on side, let alone with possible mechanical encumbrance from side effects of stroke. [br][br]Keep in mind [u]the prime objectives[/u] at our age, (i) enjoy the journey, and (ii) take satisfaction from whatever progress one can make in the time remaining. Keep cognizant of those, and maintaining an attitude of persistence and positivity will defer frustration when the obstacles present as inevitably they will, and do for all. [br][br]Have fun with it, and all the best.

# 6
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10/01/2021 3:39 am

Hi Joe, I started at 78 now 79 , just think how good you will be by my age if you keep at it. That should motivate you. Best of luck and enjoy your guitar.

# 7

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