Marking individual lessons as incomplete?

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07/24/2021 9:58 am


I skimmed GF2 in advance. Found that a useful thing to do to get an overview.

Tutorials now are marked as 'complete'

The thread

Has a request to be able to mark a tutorial incomplete.

+1 for that - it would be useful.

The above thread does say individual lessons can be marked complete/incomplete but:

in my progress screen I can't see the yellow "mark (in)/complete" buttons for any lessons that have been 'completed' in the sense that I've watched them through.

Am I missing something, or once you've watched a lesson it can no longer be marked incomplete?


# 1
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07/25/2021 2:11 pm

I'm having that same problem. When I start a lesson the first thing I do is print all of the notations for the complete lesson then go back to the first lesson. But now lessons that I only visited to print are marked complete making it harder to keep track of where I am. The help section has an explaination of how to "uncomplete" a lesson, but it does not work for me.


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07/25/2021 2:21 pm
Originally Posted by: Mikey54

Am I missing something, or once you've watched a lesson it can no longer be marked incomplete?

If you are using a computer browser you should be able to see a section in the lower right corner with the heading Tutorial Progress. That's where I see the yellow button. I can click Mark as Complete, then Mark as Incomplete. But that just refers to the overall tutorial. I don't think there is currently a way to mark individual lessons. That would be a good coding option.

Christopher Schlegel
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07/25/2021 8:43 pm

Thanks Christopher,

It may be a technical glitch. I looked in 2 places:

example 1 below (user progress screen) wehre all vids have been watched , theres no yellow box.

example 2 attached. , the tutorial start page. The yellow box is there but using it doesn't seem to affect anything for lessons where all the videos have been watched.



example 1

# 4
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01/09/2022 5:12 pm

I would like to call attention to this issue again. It's been about six months since Christopher responded to this. And the last post from Mikey54 is absoluetly correct. The toggling of the Mark As Complete/Mark As Incomplete has no effect on a watched lesson. It only toggles lessons not yet watched. If you even watch one second of an individual lesson there is no way to unmark it as complete.

Hitting Mark As Complete at the chapter level gives me this (the same thing happens at the individual lesson level):

When having the chaper highlighted I would like to see it mark all 7 lessons in Chaper 4 as not watched because I didn't really watch them. All I did was go into them to print the notation. If it can't be done at the chapter level I could live with that if I could go to each lesson an unmark it. I would not mind having to hit incomplete 6 times if that's what it would take. Of course both options would be great. But please do which ever way is easier for you programming wise.

As noted above, my particular problem is that at the beginning of a chapter I go into each lesson to print the notation so that I can follow long easier when actually doing the lesson. So I end up with all of the lessons marked as complete and have to rely on memory where I stopped. Sometimes several days or even a week go by between watching a lesson because I am practicing from the printed notations before going to the next lesson. I repractice a lesson even when I have moved on so I can get lost as to where I left off. I would really be great if we chould mark individual lessons as incomplete.

The same thing happens in Songs. I sometimes "explore" a song to see if I like it or to see if it fits my skill level. Often I find it will be to hard for me know, but then in a few months I'll give it a try. But all of the individual pieces of the song are marked Complete because of my past exporation or printing the notation. I would like to start fresh (after printing the full notation). Again it can take me a couple of weeks to move through each piece of the song because I want to nail each piece before going to the next one.

PLEASE. Thank you.



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01/10/2022 5:47 pm

Thank you for this feedback. We greatly appreciate hearing from our user base about how to improve our program. We have forwarded these suggestions/issues to our development team. Thank you for reaching out regarding this.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us.
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01/11/2022 5:32 am

I second this. I got here by searching for a way to mark individual lessons that I've skimmed as incomplete.

# 7
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02/01/2022 8:09 pm

Same, I'd like to have this feature, because when I'm just browsing, it mark everything as watched, even if I didn't watch it. [br]I would prefer if it was only possible manually for example.

But I don't think it will change:

It's not a new issue...

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02/01/2022 8:34 pm

Guitar Tricks Staff

I don't think you should look at this as a request for an enhancement. You should consider it pointing out a flaw in the original set up. Even Christopher thought it was possible to unmark complete. But you can't. [br][br]

Please give this priority attention. Thank you. [br][br]

Otherwise I love your site. [br][br]


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09/05/2022 1:25 pm

From what I understand and personally experienced on the site, individual lessons cannot be "unwatched". I have also noticed that marking a tutorial "incomplete" does not stick and always reverts back to "complete". This is frustrating for many of the same reasons already mentioned in this thread.

For me, I did a search for "finger exercises" and found "Spider Legs Warm-Ups: Great Finger Exercises!" I browsed all the lessons to complete at a later time and now they are all marked "watched" and the tutorial is marked "complete". Marking the tutorial "incomplete" does not stick and always reverts back to "complete" with all lessons watched.

# 10
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09/05/2022 1:31 pm

Still an issue that has existed for a long time. I don't understand why this has not gotten any attention from the programmers. Like I said in an earlier post; we are not asking for an enhancement, we are only asking the program to do what it says it will do. Even Christopher thought this function was working.

Hey Chris - Can you apply some pressure from your end on this?


[Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus Top Pro (2), Fender Player Stratocaster (2), Fender Player Telecaster (2), Squire CV 60's Stratocaster, Hamer Ecotone, Yamaha APX600 (2), Epiphone ES-339, GTX-100 (2), Spark 40 (2), Spark Mini.]

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09/05/2022 9:17 pm
Originally Posted by: ScubaCPA

Can you apply some pressure from your end on this?

I will mention it to the tech admin team! I know there has been some recent work on changing servers. So maybe this is a good time to update the system to include this fix.

Christopher Schlegel
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# 12
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09/08/2022 12:19 pm
Originally Posted by: ChristopherSchlegel
Originally Posted by: ScubaCPA

Can you apply some pressure from your end on this?

I will mention it to the tech admin team! I know there has been some recent work on changing servers. So maybe this is a good time to update the system to include this fix.

Thanks Chris. Appreciate it.



[Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus Top Pro (2), Fender Player Stratocaster (2), Fender Player Telecaster (2), Squire CV 60's Stratocaster, Hamer Ecotone, Yamaha APX600 (2), Epiphone ES-339, GTX-100 (2), Spark 40 (2), Spark Mini.]

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