Video lessons will not play?

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05/15/2021 3:14 am

I have been using guitar tricks for about a year now. recently i'd say in the past two weeks I cannot watch the video lessons. Streaming works fine on other channels eg: Facebook, You tube etc. I tried various lessons all the same results. It is like it is taking forever to download although it never sucessfully does so. Anyone else having these issues?

Papa Vicks

# 1
Guitar Tricks Admin
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Guitar Tricks Admin
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05/18/2021 7:49 pm

Sorry you are having issues! What device are you viewing the lessons with? Please note, Samsung/LG smart TVs are having an issue from their end. You will need to contact them for additional troubleshooting. Otherwise, please ensure your internet signal is strong. Please try logging in with different web browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari), and please try logging in with a different device (phone, tablet, computer) to ensure that the issue isn't stemming from a particular device. If you need additional help, please contact and someone will be happy to help further!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us.
# 2
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05/18/2021 10:37 pm

What are we supposed to tell those companies. All other websites stream fine apart from GT (which has been fine until now) and they say it must be you? Are you saying nothing has recently changed?

# 3
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05/20/2021 7:19 pm
Originally Posted by: acbrbrett

I have been using guitar tricks for about a year now. recently i'd say in the past two weeks I cannot watch the video lessons. Streaming works fine on other channels eg: Facebook, You tube etc. I tried various lessons all the same results. It is like it is taking forever to download although it never sucessfully does so. Anyone else having these issues?

Same issue on my side. Not the PC I'm using and not the connection (all other sites work fine) Issue comes up when using the looping function - the video seems confused. Video will sometimes freeze while the audio continues, sometimes it will simply just freeze.

# 4
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05/20/2021 8:21 pm

Mine wont even start. Just sits there buffering. Admin needs to look into this...not the device if everything else works and suddenly GT videos don't surely? Come us out here. I really need my GT and pay for it.

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05/23/2021 9:35 am
Originally Posted by: Tinpan

Mine wont even start. Just sits there buffering. Admin needs to look into this...not the device if everything else works and suddenly GT videos don't surely? Come us out here. I really need my GT and pay for it.

The same here, does not load at all on 2 computer with Firefox, Edge and IOS browser are fine.

Is there any solution by now?

# 6
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05/23/2021 8:01 pm

Me too.

Use the same pc and connection, every other site streams fine, only GT is liked that.

Started about a week ago for me... before everything worked ok

# 7
john of MT
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john of MT
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05/24/2021 12:19 am

I have tons of lessons saved as Favorites. I just sampled the first ten, i.e., the first page of the more than ten pages saved. Each of those ten lessons, some of the videos more than ten years old, some quite recent, loaded promptly and played as they should (today, 6pm Mountain time).

I have a rather moribund DSL access to the web, compared to all you folks who live in the big cities with big lights. My system is W10, Edge browser.

"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
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05/24/2021 4:56 am

Yes I can play on my samsung tablet but not my smart TV...which appears to be what others are experiencing? SmartTV no worries for suddenly....

# 9
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05/24/2021 5:14 am

Tried it again right now. And now it does work.[br]BTW, I use PC (linux) with Firefox.

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05/24/2021 6:13 pm
Originally Posted by: Tinpan

Yes I can play on my samsung tablet but not my smart TV...which appears to be what others are experiencing? SmartTV no worries for suddenly....

There is an issue with the Samsung/LG smart TVs. This is not an issue which stems from Guitar Tricks. You will need to contact Samsung/LG for further troubleshooting this issue. We apologize for the inconvenience, Tinpan!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us.
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Guitar Tricks Admin
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05/24/2021 6:13 pm

Hey all! We had a small outage yesterday. Should be all up and running now!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us.
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05/24/2021 6:22 pm

Hi Admin. Can you please give me a brief description of what the issues are with those smart TVs that you have feedback on? I want to make sure that when I tell them everything else works and GT suddenly doesn't, that they don't bounce me back to you, so if you are aware that samsung have changed something, then could you please tell us what you have heard so we are pre-armed?


# 13
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05/24/2021 7:28 pm

Hello GT and all the awesome members here.

GT Videos never start, just seem buffering, while youtube, vimeo, facebook videos work just fine. ...On Windows 10 PC with Firefox, Edge, Chrome[br][br]

GT Videos play fine. ...On iPhone

Workaround is to Download the video, Left Click the link (instead of Right Click > SaveAs): This opens the video in a new tab and plays the video for me.

Please suggest.

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05/26/2021 5:54 pm

wow it has started working back on Win10 PC browser. [br]with a whole new revamp to the video player. mute button, speeds, excellent

Thanks GT !

# 15
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05/27/2021 12:42 am

Mine is suddenly working on my samsung TV again. Didn't contact them so...weirdddd...

# 16
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07/08/2023 12:41 am

I am having the same problem. Video worked fine on my TV for almost a year and a half and for the past couple of months it doesn't work. Video streaming works for all other websites just not for Guitar Tricks?

# 17
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07/08/2024 3:31 am
#1 Originally Posted by: acbrbrett

I have been using guitar tricks for about a year now. recently i'd say in the past two weeks I cannot watch the video lessons. Streaming works fine on other channels eg: Facebook, You tube etc. I tried various lessons all the same results. It is like it is taking forever to download although it never sucessfully does so. Anyone else having these issues?

I am having the same trouble that you just described, I am a senior not very tech savvy. What to do.?


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Guitar Tricks Admin
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07/08/2024 9:04 pm
#18 Originally Posted by: jimmyrob56

I am having the same trouble that you just described, I am a senior not very tech savvy. What to do.?


Hi Jimmy,

Please  send us a message at so we can help troubleshoot your issue one on one. 

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us.
# 19

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