Originally Posted by: slittle_92is a low end gibson better than a mid/high-ish tier epiphone.
I am potentially choosing a les paul, either an epiphone les paul standard 60’s, modern figured or a gibson tribute.
Hoping to play selection classic rock, alt rock, hard rock and metal songs. with a Boss Katana Amp, potentially (if this helps)
Any suggestions welcome
[br]My .02c with caveat, OMMV. Reading the above it sounds to me like the criteria you have laid down in choosing that guitar are, 1. the LP aesthetic, and 2. the influence of elitisim bias, the presumption that a Gibson being more expensive ergo must be 'better' than Epiphone. Technically, it will be, although not proportionate to $$$$ ratio, nor will it make any effective difference i.e. 'be better' in accelerating or making easier the learning curve. [br][br]Personally, if choosing between one or the other as a neophyte (?) I'd buy the Epiphone which will serve well until gaining sufficient experience to discern the difference without asking such a question. Paying a hefty premium for a Gibson is pointless technically until sufficient skill with the instrument has been acquired to validate the spend or until Epiphone is some way presenting as a limiting factor encumbering your performance. This paragraph is of course predicated upon the presumption that like most you're on an average income and budget paying for the instrument yourself? [br][br]Re 1. in paragraph one. I suggest you go to a music store, pick up and handle a Les Paul before you commit to one. Aesthetically, they are a beautiful shape no question, but it's a 70 year old design with a load of dated ergonomic baggage. There are just superior ergonomic designs today which sound every bit as good or better which are a lot more pleasant to play. I wanted to fall in love with the Les Paul, but ugh! Just ugh! Love the aesthetic and sustain, but that's where the lust ends even with a modern neck profile and contemporary thinner body..
Re 2., Epiphone or Gibson. Unless money is no object, the question you need to ask yourself is can you make use of/what REAL additional benefit to you will it be to pay a bucketload of extra $$$$ on a Gibson, and if none is the answer (it is) how long before it will make any difference and you'll have your answer.
[br]With the right pickups a Les Paul will handle all of the styles you mention bar metal depending upon what sub-genre of metal you mean by "metal". i.e. extreme.[br][br]Regardless, were it me choosing given your stated intended genres, I'd buy something from Ibanez, a Cort X500OP, Yamaha (Revstar RS620 (watch vs a Gibson Les Paul) or you could go the RS720 or 820 if you wanted to spend more, or alternatively a PRS SE (CorTek) instead. Just sayin', as you did mention "any suggestions welcome".[br][br]The more limiting/tone shaping factor regardless any of the above pickup output notwithstanding will be the amp. For the money a Katana is as good as any in the same performance class as a practice amp. GL. Hope you choose the right guitar [u]for you[/u].