Grooves in Fingertips - A different problem?

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Joined: 05/17/20
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04/16/2021 3:16 pm

I haven't seen this discussed so thought I would ask. I've been playing almost a year now and callouses are nice and tough. And like most of us, I get grooves in my fingertips when I play.

My problem is that sometimes, but not all the time, as I finger a chord, my fingertip will land on the edge of the groove, then slip into the groove making a harsh clang. The other thing that happens, mostly on the ring finger and pinky, is as I change chords, the groove will 'grab' the string, making an unintended pull-off.

Any suggestions? I will buff them before I start, but then a new groove will evolve.

# 1
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04/16/2021 4:45 pm

Sound to me like you are pushing the string down with too much force which is making deep grooves in your finger, try a lighter touch.

# 2
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04/16/2021 9:24 pm

Okay. I've been trying but mostly laying off the thumb. Maybe I'm over compensating

# 3
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04/16/2021 11:17 pm

Most people who are new to the instrument are prone to using a death grip on the stings. This is probably a reaction to forcing your fingers to do something difficult. However death grips are a waste of energy and you really need all that energy if you are goning to soar on the guitar. Sooner or later, most people learn to develop a much lighter touch.

Jeff, here on GT, has a good trick for learning to use a light touch. Pick a string an start picking the string and let it ring. Then you try placing your finger on the string above a fret and muting the sting. Keep picking a stead serise of muted notes. Slowly increase the pressure on the string until it sounds a clear note. As soon as that clear note occurs, you are at the ideal pressure on the string. If your guitar is properly set up, this should be a very gentle grip.

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# 4
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04/18/2021 12:16 am

Most guitars, especially cheaper ones have a to high action near the nut demanding a greater force to push down on the strings, check that out first, press the first and six string down on the third fret and check the action between string and first fret, it should almost be touching like a 1/10 of a mm, if it is more then the nut needs to be sanded down. Take it to a luthier if you're not confident with it.


# 5

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