I've recently become very interested in a tune that features, what sounds like, a guitar tone with an incredible amount of clear fuzz. Being a guitarist for quite a while posessing a modest rig, with the original intention being to emulate David Gilmour's tones, I came across the aforementioned tune and was baffeled by the sheer perecieved thickness in the tone. To me, this sounds like a heavily affected and processed guitar, but the modulations to the sound have really transcended the normal associations one holds about distorted guitar tones. I'm mainly just interested in opening up a discussion about how this could be replicated in a guitar rig, what effects may theoretically be used, or even post-processing techniques.
(The guitar tone in question begins at 0:13, but there are other peripheral guitar tracks used): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSdIeHcWDxo
(I am very new to the forum, so if I have posted this inquiry in the wrong thread, or if this discussion point is simply not fit for this forum in general I seriously apologize.)