Fingerstyle basics

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Joined: 01/04/21
Posts: 2
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Joined: 01/04/21
Posts: 2
01/13/2021 1:40 pm

I have just started fingerstyle basics with Lisa McCormick teacher. I'm slowly going through each lesson. My question is how proficient do I need to get with each lesson before going to the next lesson? In other words, I will practice each lesson until I'm "okay" but still making some mistakes. Should I move on to next lesson?

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Guitar Tricks Admin
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Joined: 09/28/05
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Guitar Tricks Admin
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Joined: 09/28/05
Posts: 3,498
01/13/2021 6:33 pm

The great thing about Guitar Tricks is that you can go at your own pace! Use the program how you see fit. If you want to stick with one lesson until you've got it down, great! If you want to move ahead, then come back to it, that's great too! Entirely up to you.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us.
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