Multiple Chord Shapes?

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01/05/2021 4:34 pm

Newbie question. Just starting out - 3 weeks into the Fundamentals and when I started work on, for example, the Em chord I found that using fingers 2-3 are easier for me than the 1-2 in the lesson. And the Chord Finder displays using 2-3 -- now I'm at the lesson changing from Em to Am and Lisa is talking about how it is easier to just move the one finger using the 1-2 Em.

Should I at this point concentrate on what is easier for me to do or should I work on learning both shapes for not only the Em, but other chords as well ( like 2-3-4 for G rather than 1-2-3)?


# 1
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01/05/2021 6:30 pm

At 3 weeks into the program, I would advise you work on playing clean sounding chords, however you find them. If a form works for you use it until it doesn't work. You will find that diffrent fingerings can be useful as you move around the neck on the guitar. I found that it was easier to learn new fingerings for these diffrent fingerings when they offer advantages for the music you are wanting to play. It actually is a big advantage of guitar that there are multipul ways to play chords. That means you can find conviently located chords all over the neck in several fingerings.

All of this you can expect to experience if you continue to focuse on regular patient, persistant, practice. There in lies your most inportant lesson. A lesson your will learn again and again as you develop as a guitarist. As long a you hold tthat lesson, your path as a guitarist will unfold just as you wish it to.

At this point in your development, just work on leaning the fingering pattern for the major chords, minor chords, and changing between them easily. But do so knowing there is much more to come. I can easily think of half a dozen ways to play and E minor chord... and they all serve the sound and soul making guitar music. Not only that, but this is true of most all the chords.

When you need to find a way to play a chord up the neck, to make it easy to jump to and from the other notes and other chords in the phrase you are working on. Then you have motivation to develop these other chord forms and a context to give that knowledge meaning. That would be the way I would proceed.

You will find that others may disagree with my assessment. Listen to them all and use what works for you. Just keep steadily practicing and your skill will eventually amaze you! At this point in that journey your most important lesson is to continue patient, persistant, practice. As long as you do that, the guitar will become an amazing lifetime journey.

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# 2
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01/05/2021 6:41 pm
Originally Posted by: joe791

Newbie question. Just starting out - 3 weeks into the Fundamentals and when I started work on, for example, the Em chord I found that using fingers 2-3 are easier for me than the 1-2 in the lesson. And the Chord Finder displays using 2-3 -- now I'm at the lesson changing from Em to Am and Lisa is talking about how it is easier to just move the one finger using the 1-2 Em.

Should I at this point concentrate on what is easier for me to do or should I work on learning both shapes for not only the Em, but other chords as well ( like 2-3-4 for G rather than 1-2-3)?


Learning guitar is a negotation. Finding what works for you. Whereas the E(m) chord is a bit negotiable for fingering, the D(M) is not. Like Sno said, do it until it doesn't work. However, for the E(m), I do 2-3. I always have and that is a good long time. So long as it doesn't mess up your chord changes, I wouldn't sweat that one too much.

The point should be made that Lisa has a very solid point with regard to economy of movement and should not be disregarded. Don't always think that a small variation in fretting chord now will always work since you may encounter challenges down the road.

I'd say try something 'the way you're supposed to' for a while to see if you can get the hang of it. If it's just not possible, then go the alternate route. because that's what guitar does; presents you with challenges you have to work through.

Ultimately, it's not a science so don't overly obsess on some of these things but at the same time, be mindful of them.

# 3
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01/18/2021 8:52 am

Several apps show you how to play the guitar and it's very easy to use. It is an android mod games and you can easily download it for your mobile device and you can practice everyday right from your home.

# 4

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