Whats better - Ibanez or Jackson?

I was looking at new guitars and was looking at both of these brands. I dunnno which ones better b/c lot of people say both are good. like which generally one has better neck or better pickups etc.also if there's a better company than these two, please tell me. (except Gibson b/c those are damn expensive)
# 1

hey man,
Jacksons are good guitars, but i would recommend Ibanez for anyone. they make consistently great guitars and they probably have the best necks on any guitars i've ever played. the pickups and all the other stuff is great too. they always get fantastic reviews in GuitarPlayer which has very rigorous testing standards. you can play fast and you can play well on Ibanez. go for it.
Jacksons are good guitars, but i would recommend Ibanez for anyone. they make consistently great guitars and they probably have the best necks on any guitars i've ever played. the pickups and all the other stuff is great too. they always get fantastic reviews in GuitarPlayer which has very rigorous testing standards. you can play fast and you can play well on Ibanez. go for it.
Thanks for listening to this small piece of me.
# 2

From my personal experience, I'd say Jackson. I recently bought an Ibanez JS-100, and I had to take it back because it was of poor worksmanship. Apparantly Ibanez just puts a bunch of cheap parts on the guitar, write Joe Satriani's name on it and sell it for $600. I returned the Ibanez and bought a Jackson DKMG, and I'm infinitely more happy with the Jackson (and I'm sure it can shred just as fast as an Ibanez). But then again, I've got a friend who owns one of the Ibanez RG series and he's more than happy with it. Just go to guitar center and play em all. Go with whichever feels most natural to you, be it a Jackson, Ibanez, or even a Fender.
# 3
I'm a Jackson guy myself... And I love them bec the magic of their necks, they're extremely fast & comfortable on any model... I've played many models with many neck dimensions and they were always great, even on cheaper models (not those $150 guitars, Jackson doesn't make a lot of these anyway)...
And compared to most of Ibanez guitars I've played, Jackson stock pickups are significantly better Ibanez stocks.
Anyway, if you are buying an Ibanez, just make sure it's not less than an RG ... Any lower model is just going to be a nice beginner guitar.
And compared to most of Ibanez guitars I've played, Jackson stock pickups are significantly better Ibanez stocks.
Anyway, if you are buying an Ibanez, just make sure it's not less than an RG ... Any lower model is just going to be a nice beginner guitar.
# 4

Sly is right. Jackson stock pickups are better than Ibanez stocks. But Ibanez RG... are more comfortable for both hands than any Jackson model. I have Ibanez RG and i am well contented with them. You must go on Rock center and try more guit´s and decide whitch one is the right for you.
# 5

Well, I own a Ibanez RG7-420 but I'm gonna exchange it for a Schecter C-7+. The Schecter guitar beats every guitar I've ever played on, even the 6-strings amaze me with their playability. The only prob with Schecter here in Sweden (as with every guitarbrand) is that it's so expensive. The least expensive Schecter guitar costs about 8000 SEK ($800).
If you really wanna choose between Jackson and Ibanez... I say go for Jackson. I love their guitars. I own one myself.
If you really wanna choose between Jackson and Ibanez... I say go for Jackson. I love their guitars. I own one myself.
"Yer 18 years old, you don't know **** about **** and pull up yer pants!!!" - Dennis Leary
# 6

It depends on what models you have in mind. Some Ibanez models are better than some Jacksons, and vice versa.
# 7

hey, so what exactly sets a "nice beginner guitar" apart from a more advanced semi-pro guitar then?
# 8
any cheap fender or squier is a "nice" beginer guitar if you refer to someone who never played a gutiar before - for the beginning all that counts is the price, becaus if 3 months leter you feel like "guitar is not realy my cup of tea" then you might be realy pissed when having a brand new $1500 guitar at home.
Other than that i can only say that i am extremely impressed my ibanez. my bandmate has a jackson and it is by FAR not as good as my new Ibanez RG7-420bp. but that can vary even within the series - you will see that if you take two identical giutars that there can be a huge differences - i´ve seen that already - i´ve also seen $3000 guitars that sounded like crap and played horribly and on the other hand some $200 guitars were amazing.
Anyway - the best gutiar i´ve ever layed hands on was a Parker Fly - this instrument beats the others by far - there is nothing compared to the feeling when playing a parker. sadly they are damn expensive.
Other than that i can only say that i am extremely impressed my ibanez. my bandmate has a jackson and it is by FAR not as good as my new Ibanez RG7-420bp. but that can vary even within the series - you will see that if you take two identical giutars that there can be a huge differences - i´ve seen that already - i´ve also seen $3000 guitars that sounded like crap and played horribly and on the other hand some $200 guitars were amazing.
Anyway - the best gutiar i´ve ever layed hands on was a Parker Fly - this instrument beats the others by far - there is nothing compared to the feeling when playing a parker. sadly they are damn expensive.
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]
# 9

I think the old Ibanez guitars are amazing but the newer ones are pretty poor qualiity.
wales- where men are men and sheep are scared
# 10

If you want a really good guitar I'd say you should look for a used USA Hamer. Suitable models (shredders) would be
Californian, Centaura or Chapparel. Their quality is amazing!!!! And you wouldn't belive how cheap they are these days. You should be able to get one for $500 or with a little luck maybe even cheaper. They're all handmade....
BUT don't mix them with the Slammer series!!!! Make sure it's an USA model. Check the eBay. I have a USA Hamer Phantom myself and I can't say a bad word about it. I also have a '91 Ibanez RG770DX which is a killer guitar too so if you want to choose between the two you mentioned I would say Ibanez. Just make sure it's one of the older ones and that it's japanese and not korean.
Californian, Centaura or Chapparel. Their quality is amazing!!!! And you wouldn't belive how cheap they are these days. You should be able to get one for $500 or with a little luck maybe even cheaper. They're all handmade....
BUT don't mix them with the Slammer series!!!! Make sure it's an USA model. Check the eBay. I have a USA Hamer Phantom myself and I can't say a bad word about it. I also have a '91 Ibanez RG770DX which is a killer guitar too so if you want to choose between the two you mentioned I would say Ibanez. Just make sure it's one of the older ones and that it's japanese and not korean.
# 11