@ tammielyn.ts
First congratulations putting in the work! [u]High praise[/u] from me on that. There is no substitute for it AFAIC&K. EDIP (Explain, Demonstrate, Imitate, Practice) until "practice makes perfect", keeping the definition of "perfect" in relative perspective regarding guitar skills as previously discussed.
Yes I did F1 & F2, the former some time ago now, so can't recall off-hand with out cross-referencing what each Chapter and every specific incremental step within their syllabi contained.
Importantly, play songs more, ones [u]you[/u] love even if seemingly a step beyond where you are now. I admit to learning and playing songs being a [u]daily[/u] focus for me as important as anything else on the curve. Apart from the sheer enjoyment it brings, each brings fresh challenges setting a mindset and pattern of regularly succeeding in overcoming them producing a pragmatic, tangible, aural result, which naturally, involves and instills repetition "the mother of skill" as a habit, and of course, adds to one's personal chord, riff, lick and song repertoires.
With BPM. Start as slowly as necessary. I didn't start out playing "She Loves You" at 150BPM or its bluesy dyad lick (no timed links on GT, but listen to the end of the intro as it transitions to verse) let alone transitioning smoothly between the end of the intro, prechorus and chorus with it when I was learning the song. Nor the intro lick to "Revolution" at tempo, but I really, really wanted to play both and persisted. [br][br]I was less than six months into learning guitar as best I recall when I attempted "She Loves You", and did it seem hard/challenging at that time -understatement! I stuck at it though, until I could play it from begining to end fluidly and without mistakes at tempo. Both are utter repetition rote no brainers now. Loving and playing Beatles songs from early on, many of which are at that kind of brisk tempo, rendered anything under 120BPM perceived as easy. That's not the pointlessly boastful superficiality of ego asserting itself. Just how the experience presented for me. Try it it. Might be for you too, or not. Doesn't matter. It's [u]your[/u] journey. But I digress.
Slow down the tempo, learn the parts, stitch them together, then work up to tempo whether it takes hours, days or weeks. You may discover as you progress, if as for me, the learning curve reveals as exponential in terms of ease. [u]Determination, persistence, repetition, patience, time[/u]. Ain't no shortcut for those I yet know of.
That's it really. Attitude, determination, patience and discipline to persevere are 90% of the learning guitar or anything worthwhile job requirement in my book. Most important of all, [u]maintain the enjoyment in it all[/u], whatever that takes for you.