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Joined: 04/17/13
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Full Access
Joined: 04/17/13
Posts: 696
12/12/2020 6:10 pm

Irony can mess with you when you are attempting to learn a new gritar skill. Frequently mastering a new skill will just show up. up to that point, you pratice and practice with seemingly little progress. Then you just relax and trusts your body and it gets up and preforms like it has been doing this for years. Kind of surprising and controdictory. You won't get there without all those hours of woodshedding....simply won't happen sans practice, patience, and persistance. However it can also be the case that after all that work the final step to mastery is just relaxing, shutting off the brain and letting the body take over.

In fact, it is actually Muscle Memory that you are working on, but muscle memory takes place below the concious mind and so it frequently will surprise you. The brain likes to take credit, but the knowledge accrues on an entirely diffrent account. That is where the surprise comes form. I have seen this kind of surprise described by many here on GT.

So the short version is ......Congradulations... you are learning the knobs and levers of being a guitarist. Way to go... now, get back to practicing

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