so, since may/june been in the part of the course of learning the chords, just recently in chapter 5, learned the rest of the chords, Bm, F, etc., So, imagining all the possible chord transitions, which are numerous, is it safe to say it takes very long to get completely smooth and good at this venture. my fingers still quiver and muscles in my fingers really feel it and i'm not good at chord transitions at all yet. I struggle. i am doing everything possible, devoting the time daily and yet in the context of a song, i lose it and struggle., i guess i'm one of those people whom it will take a year or even more to master chord changes perfectly. i just need some encouragement, bc i am getting frustrated. between doing the course, learning songs and keeping it fun, i have 3 elements to my 'class' i do everyday. Fun-learning songs, fingerpicking songs too, and i do alot at once, songs that is, and i enjoy this and don't want to limit this, i do a section of my daily practice with just chord changes, watched numerous videos on tricks tips etc, which helped, and thirdly keeping up with the Guitar Tricks course., i spend 1-2 hours per day., i mean from where i was a year ago, just beginning i am thrilled with my guitar learning and am really proud., but this chord change smoothly and perfectly i am frustrated with., i mean i guess if i was perfect already at that, i would be intermediate., so i am being way to hard on myself, but i do need to hear from the vets that it does take long to master ALL the possible chord changes. i just researched in this forum finger exercises etc, bc my fingers after 10 minutes of chord change practicing quiver bc they 'want to go the opposite way' and my feel 'glued together', so i will try to do exercises too, sorry for the ramble. help.