Google login on mobile app

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12/06/2020 4:11 pm

Hi Guitar Tricks team,

I just purchased full access on the website. I used the Google login option to create my account.

When I try to use try to use the iOS mobile app I cannot see any Google login option. Only the username/password.

How I can access the iOS mobile app with the full access I have?

kind regards,


# 1
Guitar Tricks Admin
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Guitar Tricks Admin
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12/07/2020 10:45 pm

Thank you for writing in! We are happy to help you with this. Please email and we will be able to troubleshoot the issue for you.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us.
# 2
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12/13/2020 10:09 am

Thanks - I was able to login in the mobile app by doing a "Recover Password" on the website and creating a new login and password.

Now I can loign in the mobile app with my newly create username and password and on the mobile website with the Google Login.

A bit of a strange solution, but it works.



# 3
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01/01/2022 10:30 am

I have the same problem, but dont like the solution.


# 4
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10/02/2022 1:19 pm

I cannot use same username in app and website. How is my subscription then applied to the app account, when usernames are different?

# 5

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