She Loves You - reprise, a superb tute

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Joined: 02/17/18
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11/30/2020 11:26 pm

Heads up on a tute released yesterday by one of my favourite song tutors on You Tube.

For solid intermediate students and above, Mike Pachelli teaches The Beatles "She Loves You". NB Edit: Changed the link to a timed link demo of the entire song in his lesson. To watch the tutorial, just rewind to the beginning of the vid.

Sharing for those of you who might appreciate it and enjoy this too.

Despite not being played as frequently today as Chuck's signature 1950's Rock n roll "Johnny B Good", this was the signature song representing both that era and The Beatles from the late 1963 ascendence of Beatlemania to its peak throughout the entire year of 1964.

Presenting a muti-part version (linked above) with dissection, attention to detail and accuracy characteristic of Andy from Shutup & Play, Mike compliments the tutorial of this song available on Guitar Tricks as adapted for a single guitar version by Dave Celentano.

Dave's song lesson was the first song of a more complex nature than a relatively simple four chord verse & chorus structure that I learnt to play through entire rote beginning to end here on Guitar Tricks. I was only about 4 of 5 months in, maybe 6 as I recall, so it really was quite the challenge for me then.

But, being a song which resonated on so many levels with me, it provided the perfect vehicle for motivation & determination to doggedly persevere with it until I reached the level of demonstable competency with all of its challenges, including then new chords and difficult stretches for my hands in the coda, a fast dyad/lick -I'd never played a single note lick before, let alone the prechorus at that speed off the D7 to the dyad fill, tone, all at a very fast tempo of 150BPM. More's the actual point, I had great fun doing it including the 'fun' in the frustrations. I learned a lot in the doing of it, and finished with a sense of significant accomplishment and noticeably improved tactile skills.

So with that in mind, here's Mike's presenting new challenges in getting the tone and all the guitar parts right of the sum of the whole in constantly seeking to improve.

[br]Beatlemaniacs ...enjoy! = ]

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Guitar Tricks Admin
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Guitar Tricks Admin
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12/01/2020 5:05 pm

Fantastic post, manXcat! Just an amazing song. I always feel that She Love's You, and Please Please Me are their best early tunes, and actually stand the test of time despite their early production value and song structure. Great inspiration to keep practicing!!

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