Strumming Pattern Chambers Brothers-Time Has Come

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11/16/2020 3:54 pm


Hello! I'm now getting more comfortable and better at figuring out keys, riffs and playing along with old recordings such as this tune from The Chambers Brothers, Time Has Come Today. I know the key DMajor, figured out the opening lead riff, any idea on the strumming pattern for the rhythm, are there two guitars? I have my thoughts, curious about yours? Link below of tune, appreciate any feedback, thank you!

# 1
Mike Olekshy
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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Mike Olekshy
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11/16/2020 9:52 pm

Hey Tony!! Cool man! Sounds like this tune has double tracked rhythm guitars, so yeah, 2 guitars playing pretty much the same groove.

To me, it sounds like straight eighth note strums throughout (D C G chords). I would strum those all with downstrokes. It also sounds like sometimes he'll throw in a quick 16th note strum (a quick down-upstroke) leading into the 4th beat of the bar. You'll want to think in 16th notes for that --- 3 e - and - a - 4 --- where the strum would be on a - 4 (up, down).

Make sense? Let me know how it goes!


Originally Posted by: tonyd79


Hello! I'm now getting more comfortable and better at figuring out keys, riffs and playing along with old recordings such as this tune from The Chambers Brothers, Time Has Come Today. I know the key DMajor, figured out the opening lead riff, any idea on the strumming pattern for the rhythm, are there two guitars? I have my thoughts, curious about yours? Link below of tune, appreciate any feedback, thank you!

Keep rockin!
Mike Olekshy
GT Guitar Coach

# 2
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11/17/2020 12:20 am

Hey Mike,

Thanks for the quick response on the strumming portion of the Chambers Brothers song, I also thought straight eigth notes and all down strums. The 16th notes as you described on the 4th beat of bar I do not quite have the ear for but will take your word for it. Yes I heard a second guitar, double tracked meaning playing same exact thing or kind of?

BTW, I studied your CCR lesson on Up Around The Bend for a few weeks; was quite challenging for me to change positions from riff to verse, solo was also challenging at the standard bpm but got the hang of it say at 90% tempo.


# 3
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11/17/2020 12:46 am

Here's them performing on the Ed Sullivan Show, my God how rock n' roll dramatically changed from 1964 to 1969. Not taking anything away from the gutarists but the drummer was super exceptional! BTW one of the first interacial rock bands in the US.

# 4
Mike Olekshy
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Mike Olekshy
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11/17/2020 1:06 pm

Tony - 90% speed is great -- with lots of repetition, you'll get to 100% very soon. Also, thanks for sending that clip --- what a blast!!!



Keep rockin!
Mike Olekshy
GT Guitar Coach

# 5
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11/17/2020 2:34 pm


Thanks, wish you all the best! As a full timer in the Music Industry I hope you are handling things OK during these COVID times?


# 6
Mike Olekshy
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Mike Olekshy
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11/18/2020 1:11 pm

Hi Tony - yes I've been very lucky to continue to work during COVID. When my wife and I started having kids about 5 years ago, I transitioned out of playing live into more studio work, so that helped. GuitarTricks has been generous in allowing me to work remotely, and I also do plenty of remote studio projects.

Hope you're doing well!


Originally Posted by: tonyd79


Thanks, wish you all the best! As a full timer in the Music Industry I hope you are handling things OK during these COVID times?


Keep rockin!
Mike Olekshy
GT Guitar Coach

# 7
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11/22/2020 1:53 am

Mike, that's terrific with your studio work, glad to hear you're still working during COVID. Wish you and your family all the best.

# 8
Mike Olekshy
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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Mike Olekshy
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11/22/2020 1:03 pm

Thank you Tony - best to you and your family as well!


Originally Posted by: tonyd79

Mike, that's terrific with your studio work, glad to hear you're still working during COVID. Wish you and your family all the best.

Keep rockin!
Mike Olekshy
GT Guitar Coach

# 9

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