Can these girls get any better?

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Joined: 02/17/18
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Joined: 02/17/18
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11/15/2020 12:05 am

Think I recall posting a link to them at one time within another thread and sub forum elsewhere here, notably of their superb performance of "Taxman", but haven't shared them, or this specifically here yet.

[br]In awe of their performance skills, I wanted to share awareness of Dea Matrona with those who aren't.

Currently the trio are just 20, 19 and 16 years old. Impressive (understatement) performance skills, but when I watched and heard this performance the phrase "can it/they get any better" along with the tune reverbated though my head for days.

Check this out. Put through decent enough amps, but performed using the cheapest Squier Bronco bass guitar on the market, an inexpensive Epiphone SG 400 Pro, and a nothing to label boast about drum kit. Speaks volumes what it's all really about.

Particularly impressive [u]to me[/u] is how they capture the authentic groove/vibe so well, and Órlaith's utterly astonishing vocal in their cover interpretation of "Gloria" here. Just wow!

Hope you enjoy it and appreciate their skills as much as I do.

# 1
William MG
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William MG
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11/16/2020 12:47 am

Very impressive. And as noted the 1st thing that came to my attention was "Epiphone"

on the headstock. [br][br][br]

The unfortunate part, as I know you are aware as you mentioned it, but others may not be aware, but Epiphone was once a proud name in music. [br][br]

These kids remind me of "Fanny".

This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!

# 2

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