Eddie Van Halen passes away

Dave Celentano
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 07/29/14
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Dave Celentano
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 07/29/14
Posts: 361
10/08/2020 3:04 pm

It's a sad day in the world of guitar and rock and roll :-(

We lost one of the most influential, innovative and creative guitarists to cancer. Eddie influenced me and my playing more than any other guitarist. His playing had an explosiveness way above other players (take a listen to "Eruption" from VH's first album and you'll get it).

He's the reason I dedicated my musical life to guitar mastery and helping other aspiring guitarists reach their musical goals. I'm constantly humbled everytime I hear his music. Here's an artist study I did for Guitar Tricks on Eddie's style.


R.I.P. Eddie Van Halen

# 1
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10/08/2020 3:55 pm

My condolences on EVH's passing, Dave. It's hard when such a powerful musical influence passes. I dread the day that Billy Joel goes, and of course, JD already tragically has. It's hard to explain to people who don't get it just how powerfully an artist can influence and direct and inspire the course of our lives. I know mine wouldn't be the same without my musical idols.

So I'm so sorry for your grief and loss. I think EVH would approve of summing it up by saying, death sucks.

"I got this guitar and I learned how to make it talk."

# 2
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10/09/2020 5:08 am

I stem from a different era Dave. The Beatles, Free, Cream, Led Zeppelin et al.

Preoccupied with career and other life events at the time of Van Halen's zenith, they, he, didn't feature significantly on my radar back then.

That said, the grief and impact of his passing you are experiencing right now resonates clearly with me in your eulogy. Thanks for sharing. I extend my empathy.

# 3
Dave Celentano
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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Dave Celentano
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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10/13/2020 3:07 pm
Originally Posted by: Dave Celentano

It's a sad day in the world of guitar and rock and roll :-(

We lost one of the most influential, innovative and creative guitarists to cancer. Eddie influenced me and my playing more than any other guitarist. His playing had an explosiveness way above other players (take a listen to "Eruption" from VH's first album and you'll get it).

He's the reason I dedicated my musical life to guitar mastery and helping other aspiring guitarists reach their musical goals. I'm constantly humbled everytime I hear his music. Here's an artist study I did for Guitar Tricks on Eddie's style.


R.I.P. Eddie Van Halen


Thanks for your kind and supportive words. It means a lot.


# 4
Dave Celentano
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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Dave Celentano
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10/13/2020 3:11 pm
Originally Posted by: manXcat

I stem from a different era Dave. The Beatles, Free, Cream, Led Zeppelin et al.

Preoccupied with career and other life events at the time of Van Halen's zenith, they, he, didn't feature significantly on my radar back then.

That said, the grief and impact of his passing you are experiencing right now resonates clearly with me in your eulogy. Thanks for sharing. I extend my empathy.


Thanks for your encouraging words.


# 5
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10/18/2020 3:01 am

It saddens me that another one of the greatest musicians of all time passed recently. It seems that most of the people involved in making the music that has inspired me for so long are passing away, and it does make me sad. Some of them i've been missing a very long time. Sometimes watching these musicians struggle to stay on the road and bring live performances to their fans is a little sad also. So i'd like to end by saying to all the people that have been and still are making the music that inspires us everyday...Thank You.

And thanks to all the instructors here at GT who teach the music that inspires also. At my age i'll never be a professional musician i don't think, but i'm grateful for the ability and oppurtunity to learn the music i love...Cheers Dave...Rest in Peace, Eddie Van Halen!

# 6
Dave Celentano
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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Dave Celentano
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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10/19/2020 3:03 pm
Originally Posted by: stevelankford313

It saddens me that another one of the greatest musicians of all time passed recently. It seems that most of the people involved in making the music that has inspired me for so long are passing away, and it does make me sad. Some of them i've been missing a very long time. Sometimes watching these musicians struggle to stay on the road and bring live performances to their fans is a little sad also. So i'd like to end by saying to all the people that have been and still are making the music that inspires us everyday...Thank You.

And thanks to all the instructors here at GT who teach the music that inspires also. At my age i'll never be a professional musician i don't think, but i'm grateful for the ability and oppurtunity to learn the music i love...Cheers Dave...Rest in Peace, Eddie Van Halen!

Well said Steve and thank you!

# 7

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