Elixir strings

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09/18/2020 11:49 pm


So, local music store 'talked me into' changing my strings from Ernie Ball (light gauge) which i LOVED the sound of to Elixirs. I hate the sound and find them very slippery. Anyone else have experience with Elixir strings and can understand my dilemna as a beginner with these strings. It totally changed the sound of my guitar. And when changing to G major, my finger index finger (one fretting the 6th string) just loves to slide. you may say to change right back, but the issue initially was the other ones at the 1st 2nd fret on the higher strings B,E were very tight. so hard to press down. I was told through the forum to have them lower action (even the strings were obviously higher than the others) and they said no, can't be adjusted, low as they can be. got to trust them right? But here i am with being talked into changing chords and now don't know what to do. any tips etc?

# 1
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09/18/2020 11:50 pm

oops,. should have read changing strings

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09/18/2020 11:52 pm

and your topic https://www.guitartricks.com/forum/thread.php?f=10&t=55835

# 3
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09/19/2020 2:34 am

Which Elixirs have you fitted? Polyweb or Nanoweb? Phospher Bronze or Bronze? I'm not a fan BTW. My Revstar (electric) came fitted with Elixirs. Gauge (10s) was good. Didn't care for their feel. Gone.

My "tip"? Go back to Ernie Balls if you like them and they work for you. Changing strings shouldn't have changed either the string tension or action if you stayed with the same gauge. Ernie Balls are decent strings, just too pricey for no other advantage in my neck of the woods. Of those I've tried over the past two and a half years, quite a few now, I prefer the feel and tone of [u]uncoated [/u]acoustic strings. My acoustic gotos are D'Addario EJ16s, 12-53 uncoated phosphor bronze [u]changed frequently[/u].

For point of reference Yamaha OEM fitment for the FS800 are either D'Addario EXP11s or their own brand Yamaha FS50BT strings, market dependent. 12-53s which D'Addario refer to as Lights. EXPs are [u]coated[/u] 80/20 bronze, with good tone which really suits smaller Concert bodied guitars like the FS series and APX series very well, although as already iterated, I think uncoated have superior tone. That gauge BTW is the most common fitment on new guitars from many manufacturers.

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09/19/2020 2:31 pm
Originally Posted by: tammielyn.ts

So, local music store 'talked me into' changing my strings from Ernie Ball (light gauge) which i LOVED the sound of to Elixirs. I hate the sound and find them very slippery.[/quote][p]I don't like coated strings either. Some people do. If you don't then go back to Ernie Ball strings!

[quote=tammielyn.ts]you may say to change right back, but the issue initially was the other ones at the 1st 2nd fret on the higher strings B,E were very tight. so hard to press down. I was told through the forum to have them lower action (even the strings were obviously higher than the others) and they said no, can't be adjusted, low as they can be. got to trust them right?

I don't know what kind of guitar you have. But it's almost always possible to lower the action. At least to a playable standard. Unless you have a defective guitar.

If you have an acoustic guitar, then it might be necessary to remove & file down the entire treble side of the bridge. Or, just as often a problem with beginners on acoustic, the nut is installed too high or the slots are not cut deep enough to make good playable action.

But all of this depends on the knowledge & skill (or lack thereof) of the people doing the work. Is there another store in the area? A knowledgeable guitarists you personally know that can advise you?

Can you post pictures? Have you asked the GT tech Steve White?


Christopher Schlegel
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# 5
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09/20/2020 8:32 pm
Originally Posted by: tammielyn.ts


So, local music store 'talked me into' changing my strings from Ernie Ball (light gauge) which i LOVED the sound of to Elixirs. I hate the sound and find them very slippery. Anyone else have experience with Elixir strings and can understand my dilemna as a beginner with these strings. It totally changed the sound of my guitar. And when changing to G major, my finger index finger (one fretting the 6th string) just loves to slide. you may say to change right back, but the issue initially was the other ones at the 1st 2nd fret on the higher strings B,E were very tight. so hard to press down. I was told through the forum to have them lower action (even the strings were obviously higher than the others) and they said no, can't be adjusted, low as they can be. got to trust them right? But here i am with being talked into changing chords and now don't know what to do. any tips etc?

My Taylor came loaded with Elixir Nanoweb Phosphor Bronze (013-.056) and I really dislike them. But, I've had them on the guitar for a good long time now and about to change out. I have set of Ernie Ball Earthwood Silk and Steel Extra Soft Acoustic Set, .010 - .050. They are supposed to be not quite as bright but I also find that my Taylor is good at projecting the more treble characteristics of a note. So, giving these a shot.

They are also supposed to be a little easier to play. Not that I worry so much about that but I find that the 13's are just a little too stout for how I want to play. We will see.

But, not a fan of the Elixirs either.

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09/21/2020 12:06 am

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09/21/2020 12:11 am

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09/21/2020 12:20 am

Really appreciate the info,will take it all into consideration. I've got a Yamaha FS800. I posted three pics., the one of the strings, was the Ernie Ball light gauge i loved the sound of, but as you see the B and E string they are alot higher than the other strings and it was 'tight' at the 1st/2nd fret and difficult for me to fret. I have posted a pic of the nut for you to see why they said it can't be lowered anymore, and handed my guitar right back to me. Yeah, i just can't adjust to the sound of these strings, and being a new musician i need more comfort and ease learning not more challenges with slippery strings. It cost me $20 for the Elixir and another $20 plus for changing them., so after said and done $40 plus taxes. But at the end of the day that doesn't matter. At the end of the day, i need easy play action for myself and i need a good sound. Believe it or not, i can't really even mute the strings now properly when practicing strumming patterns etc. I'm learning the song, and intro Tennessee Whiskey and when i pluck for the opening riff,some of the other strings sound out with these Elixir's..it's crazy. I'm from a smaller city in Ontario and music stores aren't an easy find, this place i mentioned is the 'big name' around here., but i certainly will try to seek someone else out.

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09/21/2020 12:22 am

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09/21/2020 1:57 am

Thanks for the pics!

Originally Posted by: tammielyn.tsI've got a Yamaha FS800.

...as you see the B and E string they are alot higher than the other strings and it was 'tight' at the 1st/2nd fret and difficult for me to fret.[/quote][p]The action at the nut doesn't look too bad. The action is bad on one of the pics but I don't have a visual reference for where that is on the fretboard.

Originally Posted by: tammielyn.ts

I have posted a pic of the nut for you to see why they said it can't be lowered anymore, and handed my guitar right back to me.

[p]Right, which leads me to think the problem is at the bridge. Can you post a pic of the bridge? And tell me which fret that is in the 3rd pic?

It's possible the strings they installed have more tension & are pulling the neck and, or body up into a bow a bit more than the previous strings. Or the pins in those strings need to be reseated.

If the action was acceptable before then it must have been altered by these new strings or by the restringing process.

And FWIW, it's possible to lower the action by filing the bottom of the bridge down. But that's an extreme solution that doesn't seem to be warranted until you find out why the action was altered so drastically after the restringing.

[quote=tammielyn.ts]I'm from a smaller city in Ontario and music stores aren't an easy find, this place i mentioned is the 'big name' around here., but i certainly will try to seek someone else out.

Got it. But it would be good if we can troubleshoot what is wrong here in the forum so you know what to ask for, or to have corrected.

Hope that helps!

Christopher Schlegel
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# 11
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09/21/2020 2:57 pm

First of all.... Learn to change your own strings and save $20 toward your next set of strings! It is not that hard, and paying a service charge for the task adds insult to injury.

Did you watch as they changed the strings? It is pretty straight forward. If you didn't watch they change the strings here is the GT version of the process....


Changing strings is kind of like being reborn for guitarists. Experiment and find the right string for your taste. Once you get this down your wil start to really appreciate the sound of new strings under your finger tips!

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# 12
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09/21/2020 3:30 pm
Originally Posted by: tammielyn.ts

smaller city in Ontario and music stores aren't an easy find, this place i mentioned is the 'big name' around here., but i certainly will try to seek someone else out.

Hi Tammielyn

I am a fellow Canadian, a Maritimer actually. I am guessing the store is "Long and McQuade?"

If so, we have bought a lot of gear from L&M over the past 15 years and there is a truism I have noted and am guessing it will also be true in your situation: there is usually 1 or 2 people on staff who actually know what they are doing. In my case it is Peter and Mike. I have had experiences similar to yours, which is why I only go to Peter or Mike now. My guess would be that if you contact the store manager and tell them what happened, he or she would try to make it right. In one instant - long ago - I reached out to Steve Long himself via email (on the website) about a situation and he got back to me and got the issue resolved. So I have faith in the company if not a particular staff.

Good luck.

This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!

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09/25/2020 12:06 am

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# 15
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09/25/2020 12:15 am

I will definitely try to learn to replace my own strings! Thanks for the link and advice. Here is some pics Christopher of the bridge and another recent pic of the Elixir strings at the nut again, i do see the lower strings are kind of sitting on top as well. I think i'm definitely changing out the strings, hope i'm not back to square one with 'tightness' on the high E and B. Which string brand would you recommend, the Ernie Ball Silk ones mentioned by a fellow GT guitarist or D'addarios? And that's the 1st fret in the 3rd pic. i'm sorry i don't know how to reply to specific people, i'm just answering here at the top.

# 16
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09/25/2020 12:31 am
Originally Posted by: tammielyn.tsHere is some pics Christopher of the bridge and another recent pic of the Elixir strings at the nut again, i do see the lower strings are kind of sitting on top as well.[/quote]

Thanks. My earlier post doesn't have the edited pic I uploaded!

So the problem area I see is that shot of the high action. What fret is that a picture of?

[quote=tammielyn.ts]Which string brand would you recommend, the Ernie Ball Silk ones mentioned by a fellow GT guitarist or D'addarios?

I think you should try some guitars & ask what kind of strings are on them. There's no substitute for actually playing the strings yourself so you know what they will feel like.

I don't play acoustic guitar, but I'd think any standard phosphor bronze set of Ernie Ball, D'addarios, Martin, etc. Just avoid any special coating or style. Get standard strings.

Another thought here: it might be that the process of changing the strings altered the neck tension & you are getting too much bowing in the neck. Sometimes the truss rod needs to be adjusted to get lower action.

Hope that helps!

Christopher Schlegel
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# 17
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09/25/2020 12:55 am

Thanks Christopher i will go and try some out. That pic that you said the action was high and bad, which i agreed, but luthier didn't??, if i were to guess at which fret, i'd say the 5th. Do you think only learning for 9 months i'm capable of changing my strings myself? I just checked out your video on it, both electric and acoustic, but i found the camera angel not being up close hard to understand what i would do, and also it didn't show how to take string off of the tuning pegs and i couldn't see clearly how to put the string in or twist it, bc the camera wasn't close up. What do you recommend for help for me to learn to change, would i have to watch both the removal of electric and acoustic for complete picture, or find another video with close up camera? Tx for all your help!

# 18
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09/25/2020 1:06 am

What Christopher said.

Other than reducing the saddle height by removing it and sanding down the saddle bottom edge on a flat sheet of glass which just isn't necessary of a new Yamaha FS800 to affect spec. action, the only end user adjustment for adjusting action is truss rod adjustment. It looks as if the tension of the new strings may be higher which has caused the neck to bow concave requiring a minor truss rod adjustment. Other than seasonal or location temperature and humity climate change requiring it, that's it.

I restring my own, often, own and play four different acoustics including two smaller bodied Yamaha acoustic instruments.

[br]For acoustic strings, having tried a few, I use and so can endorse & recommend with confidence D'Addario [u]uncoated phosper bronze[/u] for tone and feel. Not only is the price also right, but they are widely available. I choose to use EJ16s which are 12-53s aka Lights, which is the gauge which would have come supplied default on the FS800 but in EXPs. I find that gauge offers an excellent compromise of tone, feel and playability f[u]or me[/u]. You might prefer to try EJ15 10-47 Extra Lights, if you found the original strings of too high a fretting tension.

Either way, after fitting them, adjust the action to reference spec. by means of the truss rod, and lube the nut slots with a lead pencil. GL.

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09/25/2020 1:08 pm

here are a set of 7 lessons by Bobby Howe on changing strings on an acoustic.


At worst you have to go to a shop after you have tried.

But won't ever have to go again once you've got the hang of it

# 20

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