Watched the Christopher Schlegel videos on changing strings, put two strings on the 6th and 5th string and both now buzz like a swarm of bees. Both strings are in tune, even went to the ultimate scale finder under toolbox on fret 1-15 and both strings play all the notes, but the buzzing is overbearing and do not know what to do. Strings are 100% the same String gauge as the ones on previously 9s same exact brand Yamaha, it was a second pair of strings that came with my starter guitar. By the way I turned the peg by hand I do not own a string winder.
new strings buzz, buzz, and more buzz.
All 6 strings on and all six strings now buzz. I use the Yamaha guitar tuner 6th string shows E6, 5th string E5, when I switch from guitar to chromatic tuner every string matches up with the ultimate scale finder on guitar tricks 6th string Fret 1 = F, 2nd fret F#, 3rd fret G, 4th fret G# etc
Well the strings were staying in tune, now I can't keep them in tune at all, and the 3rd string will not tune to D on the tuner it is stuck on A, it overshoots D and goes to A 100% won't tune to D.
Originally Posted by: lee05503All 6 strings on and all six strings now buzz. I use the Yamaha guitar tuner[u] 6th string shows E6, 5th string E5,[/u] when I switch from guitar to chromatic tuner every string matches up with the ultimate scale finder on guitar tricks 6th string Fret 1 = F, 2nd fret F#, 3rd fret G, 4th fret G# etc
?? lowest should be E2 and highest ( 1st string ) E4, can you post a picture of the head stock to see if there are any issues?
It's ok, I cancelled my subscription to guitar tricks after 4 months. I don't have the talent for any of this, who in their right mind scews up their guitar from trying to put strings on it? I do. I can't even do something as simple as that, even with a world class guitarist showing an easy step by step video on how to do it.[br][br]
So there is no point in wasting anyones time as I have decided to get rid of my amp and guitar, might either sale it or just throw it away in the trash for the garbage man.[br][br]
Before I came to guitar tricks I tried the Matthew Von Doran 99 lessons, didn't get very far and failed. I never could get past lesson 4 your first chord, it was a C chord 1st finger 1st fret 2nd string, 2nd finger 2nd fret 4th string , and 3rd finger 3rd fret 5th string, didn't matter how hard I tried or how I shifted my fingers, I tried for 30 days and could not do the chord. It was like my fingers were simply too short and two fat, it was extremly hard for my fingers to stretch 3 frets. I would sit in a chair trying to do this chord for about 1 hour daily, my back would hurt after and my butt would be sore and numb. It was exhausting. But I tried for 30 days and was unable to move past lesson 4 as I was not able to do the first chord.[br][br]
So I decided to try guitar tricks, and I never got far with Lisa's lessons as I simply was unable to do the chords, fingers too short and too fat and blocking out strings around them no matter how I tried to shift them. [br][br] I have heard stories of former guitar students who paid for private lessons with teachers and were simply unable to learn to play guitar and that the teacher would become frustrated because the student was unable to learn it the techniques. I believe I am such a person who simply does not posses the ability to learn the necessary skills. And II don't want to mess with the guitar anymore, I'm done.
String buzz can be because you tuned the guitar an octave to low and for beginners it may sound in tune but it isn't and therefore the strings are to loose and you get buzz, the scale finder is not the tool to tune a guitar.
To put the strings on you pul them through the tuningpeg's hole and you put your hand loosely under the string on the fretboard ( doesn' t matter where on the fretboard ) and then you follow chris is instructions on twisting and turning, if there is a stringtree, don't forget to put the string under that to.
Second; if you try to form a chord do you keep your thumb behind the neck? if not you should.
Third, don't start with the C chord, Liza says in GF1 " the simpel C and G chord", well there is nothing simple about those 2 chords, actually, lots of people taking private lessons quit because they can not form these chords and teachers are to stubbern to see that, start with a simple form of the A chord; middle finger 2nd fret 4th string, index 2nd fret 3rd string and ring on the 2nd fret 2nd string, from this shape it makes it easy to learn the D chord and E chord without moving to much.
Fourth; don't sit in a chair for learning but stand up right with a guitar strap, better posture and better holding on to the guitar.
If it still doesn't work to grasp chords then there are always other guitars with smaller necks.
And the last; I think personally that every one can learn to play guitar, at least at a level that they can strum along with easy songs, the only difference is that some people don't have a feeling for rhythm or music at all but that are only very few.
Most of the things listed or suggested aren't peculiar to strings 1 and 2 which played fine before the restring.
I'l wait for a picture but my suspicions have to be around the tree string which is the first question of the post and is peculiar to strings 1 and 2