So will we get to hear the end result? Yes.
Have you figured out how to deal with the dual chords/ vocals? Not yet.
Are you going to let the musicians take a run at finding solutions, or do you have to work that out your self at home? I have both options. I'd rather work it out myself for all kinds of reasons, but we'll see how that goes. Since this is a "work for hire" situation rather than a collaboration, I feel weird about asking them to do anything that relates to the actual composition of the song, even though I could. Even my idols, Billy and John, who are known for writing their material all on their own didn't really, of course. Lots of input from lots of people. I've been away from the songwriting game for a long time and I don't have many "people" -- I wish I did. I would love another songwriter of similar sensibilties to bounce some stuff off of right about now before taking it to demo.
Can you hear what the musicians are doing and discuss it back and forth before they record the music? Yes, if I want that option, which I do! I'm trying an online studio called Tunedly, which was featured in American Songwriter so I figured it was legit. So far so good. Great, actuallly. I really like the producer (who synchronistically turns out be a huge JD fan, so I've been sweetening the deal with periodic infusions of rare JD soundboard recordings to keep him motivated)
At a distance I will be interested to hear how that works out! Me, too. I've done a lot of demo/studio work, though it's been awhile, and so much of the creative magic comes from having everyone together, at least for the first session. This is totally different and much more difficult -- it's one instrument at a time, which for me is very challenging. But honestly, so far I recommend them very highly. Get in on it before they raise their rates.
GOOD LUCK. Thanks, gonna need it.
"I got this guitar and I learned how to make it talk."