So the other day I had asked if other members had any experience with Fiverr. I did receive some feedback but nobody with any direct experience. Well, I can now report on how the experience has been and will turn out to - hopefully it will be a positve experience.
For those not familiar with Fiverr, it is an online freelance site offering a variety of services through various freelancers.
Here is the background:
I wrote a song and was looking for a vocalist of a particular style. I checked out Fiverr and found an individual who had the pipes I was looking for. I reached out to him via Fiverr, outlined in exact detail what I had - right down to the word count - and asked him for an exact quote. That amount worked out to be $231.45CAD. This next part is important to note: the amount fluctuates based on current exchange. The person recording the vocals lives in Spain - I am in Canada. When we 1st began communicating, the price in CAD $'s was less than $231.45. No big deal just a part of this that needs to be pointed out. I should also point out that the way the pricing is structured is in 3 groupings - sort of like "good - better - best". I purchased the "best" package which gives me more vocal time. There are packages offered that literally only provide a verse and some sellers on Fiverr break it down to seconds of recording time.
So, here is hoping that things work out. If not, well, we have a story to share and a cautionary tale. But I am not too concerned. Seems like a pretty big site and Mr Maph (vocalist) has a pretty big social media precence so I don't think he is living in mom's basement.
Once I have the vocals back I will put it together with the music and share it with you folks.
Just checked my card balance online and there is a Fiverr pending charge for the amount of purchase. That's a postitive.
This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!