Originally posted by metalisbest
Buckethead is a weirdo. Stick with the original people. Slash the man.
Couldnt of said it better! Picking someone for pure ability over soul and passion is like picking Malstreem over Hendrix. Sure Malstreem is different good and great but Hendrix was the meat and potateos! Same for this case....sure bucketthead is probably the worlds most expensive cover band guitarist now, hes no slash, infact, Slash was making his bones when Buckethead was screwing sheep i bet....beside their also something to be said for persona. Slash had that dirty, grunge, kick ass, J D drinking persona that is cool and bucket head....well he wears a kentucky fried chicken hat...im sure if i gave my three year old brother a kfc hat he could do the same thing! (except the guitar part of course :()
WWSD? What would stevie do?