Nice! Everyone should add at least one Tele to their arsenal somewhere along the road.
Admitttedly I'm biased. I love the Tele.
Squier Affinity Tele lacks little except prestige. Setup properly, they play very nicely IMPE and that of others. [u]Feel[/u] wise, I prefer them to the Classic Vibe. The tuner mechs are about my only gripe. Teles aren't very demanding on tuners for stability, so they work, but ... Affinity's pickups are respectable at the price point, and easily and inexpensively changed to something else if desired.
Affinity Teles feature a lot of positives IMV. Slimmer body for less weight => greater comfort, six saddle bridge for proper intonation, which if desired for that proper Tele twang can easily and inexpensively be swapped back to three double brass barrels, narrower nut and slimmer neck profile with a 12" fingerboard radius.
Very nice pickup. Congratulations Moe.