I'm now a festive lay about, enjoying/ working hard, through my christmas break...
I've not had change to get a metrenome and practice on speeding up my playing, but hey i've got a damn good excuse...
I'm actuaully half-assedly working on some of my own material, but that's all in the pipeline, which happens to be in the not so distant future.. but i've grown really distant from the "guitar crowd", i'm becoming more experimental and starting to drool over studio and dj magazines for their beat boxes/ fx/ recording techniques etc etc... but that has meant i cant really find anyone to play with... but to be fair i've been too busy, trying to stay on top of work and maintaining a socail life..
Does anyone have an hints on how to really speed up my fretting hand when it comes to basic picking?
How's everone been, and what've i missed?