practice help

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Joined: 07/19/20
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Joined: 07/19/20
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08/05/2020 5:12 am

I just started around a month and still dont have a pratice routine. I am a little over half way done with fundamentals 1. I do spider fingers to start off and then work on chord changes.

Can anyone give me advice on what a good pratice routine would be. Are there some exercises I should be doing or other things I should be working on?

# 1
William MG
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William MG
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08/05/2020 10:47 am

Hi Mark

my practice routine has changed over time but when I began it consisted of

notes and scales

chords and transitions


later on I incorporated theory and writing songs and licks

[br]it's likely an age thing, but 20 months on I find myself in a bit of a box using the same Keyes and chord structure rather than trying to push into new territory like trying to write a song in the key of B as example. It is probably not a good habit to fall into for a young person. [br][br]

Good luck

This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!

# 2
Dang Yankee
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Dang Yankee
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08/05/2020 12:22 pm

Not sure if it will help, but I recently came across this article on the Guitar Noise website that talks about how to define your goals, assess your strengths and weaknesses, and develop a cusomized pracrtice routine accordingly:

It's from a guy named David Hodge, who I've rwead a lot of and I really like his teaching style.


# 3

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