"I need a girl who's as hot as my guitar."
You gotta check this out!
I was surfing around and I found this delightful little downloadable demo that is fully functional, it's called guitar pro 2.2 http://www.guitar-pro.com . I have been playing around with it a lot in the past couple of weeks here and have found it to be helpful in many ways one of them being tuning. Hey I could type all day on this program but I got to go. Later.
# 1

i downloaded that program and it sucked, well that's just my opinion but they did have a lot of tunings for a guitar and different instruments, i guess i didn't like the sound and the way you had to transcribe stuff down and the timing stuff.
Jake Sommers
Jake Sommers
"Take my hand boss"
# 2
I guess if you don't know how to do the timings it would be kind of a sucky program. And it's a midi so you have to expect some off sounding notes. But if you know how to do the timing and you can put up with a midi sound it kicks.
"I need a girl who's as hot as my guitar."
# 3

i know timing but it just takes to long to get the timing the way you wan't to and the midi just sucks. I played the piano for 3 years before i played the guitar and i play in school brass band where we play a lot of classical stuff and timing is a must to know.
Jake Sommers
[This message has been edited by jake sommers (edited 06-12-2000).]
Jake Sommers
[This message has been edited by jake sommers (edited 06-12-2000).]
"Take my hand boss"
# 4
Timing takes a long time???? What ever man, it just takes a second after you know the program. Well I don't have all night to talk. Later.
"I need a girl who's as hot as my guitar."
# 5

Guess i didn't phrase it right, i meant that one misused or mistimed note will throw the whole song outtta whack, I guess i'm maybe not as patient as you are. with some because i'll download a program and if i don't click wit it in like 15 minutes i delete it i guess it probally gets easier if you keep playing wit it but i rather record my own stuff to sound like i want it to and tab it myself. than to get one tone i don't think you can use dynamics on that or can you cut/paste other tabs to the program.
Jake Sommers
Jake Sommers
"Take my hand boss"
# 6
Hey I guess you missed the whole section named Dynamics. Yeah it does take a little bit of time to get used to(like about a hour) but after you know how to use it it's a breeze to use. Well i got to fly. Later.
"I need a girl who's as hot as my guitar."
# 7
do i smell a feud?
do i smell burnt toast?
do i smell burnt toast?
... and that's all I have to say about that.
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
# 8

Nope, just voicing my opinion on the product nothing more, we haven't come to insults or anything......yet, no just kidding everybody can't always think the same thing about something.
peace out,
Jake Sommers
peace out,
Jake Sommers
"Take my hand boss"
# 9

I fell in love with Guitar-pro about a year and a half ago. It doesn't have the greatest sound in the world, but all the downloadable songs have proved invaluable to me. I really like it. Another thing I use it for is to program in, say, a blues progression, hit repeat, and then jam over it for hours.
# 10

true dat, they did have some nice songs to learn and a lot of channels to use i think it was 8 or so, and you can loop, but i just don't like the sound maybe if it had better sound quality i would have used it more than i did. but what can you expect from a free program.
Jake Sommers
Jake Sommers
"Take my hand boss"
# 11
I just wanted to see that little flame go up on the topic
"I need a girl who's as hot as my guitar."
# 12

oh i remember this. a battle of the titans, a classic confrontation. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH memories
"Take my hand boss"
# 13
# 14