Yeah, try learning as much chords & scales you can. These are the musical alphabet that will make you construct (at least understand the construction of) musical phrases.
Almost all chords are movable, sometimes you need to make a barre to move a chord , which is laying your fretting hand Index over a certain frett for more than one string.
If you do it on all 6 strings it's called full barre.
I'll give you some examples.
Let's take the Emaj chord from the open position, this would be
So you know that this pattern makes a major chord with the roots on both E & e strings, so what happens if you moved the same pattern up some fretts? you just altered the root, which will give you a new major chord.
Let's say you moved it up 3 fretts, you'll have a Gmaj chord now. (roots are on both E & e strings, but now on the 3rd frett which is a G)
You should make a full barre to play this chord, some people like to make a half barre and frett the Low E string with their thumb.
(I don't know if you already know this basic stuff, so please excuse me)
You can make the same with every other chord/scale pattern, just take care where the roots are in order to be able to name new chords , and move them up & down the frettboard.