Throughout the song he's playing a combination of major triads & inversions, walking bass lines & partial barre chords.
Originally Posted by: faith83In the video link below, is he playing power chords between the lines of the chorus, when he's moving quickly up and down the neck?[/quote][p]Triads & inversion voicings. Chorus starts on the IV chord. Notice he's using drop D tuning, so the G in the bass is up 2 frets. Starts with G to D, then a quick move through D, Emin (which is really an inversion of G6), D then back to the G.
That happens 3X then the answering phrase lands on the V chord, playing A, Asus4, then a 1st inversion D with a line from F# to E to root D.
[quote=faith83]Most notably at the 2:30 mark, or a few seconds thereafter (the turnaround and into the first part of the bridge)
He starts that section by alternating between the open low D string & triads & inversions of D, A, G, then A major chords.
Next D to G in the lower positions already mentioned. Then some quick walking from C, C/B, Amin, G, F#/D, Emin, E, A.
I cover triads & inversions (voicing chords like this) in this collection of tutorials.
Specifically you will find those voicings on the upper strings in these tutorials.
I think this might show you how useful it is to at least be able to visualize barre chord shapes even if you don't intend to play the full chord. It will certainly show you how useful the frets beyond the 3rd are. :)
Hope that helps!
Christopher Schlegel
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