View post (When to move on to next lesson)

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Joined: 04/13/20
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Registered User
Joined: 04/13/20
Posts: 4
07/06/2020 10:42 pm

I am also taking the lessons with Lisa. Currently we just wrapped up the five chord power pack. I know the five chords and am having no issue making these chords (one at at time and slowly). As we wrapped up she commented that now we know the chords in the five chord power pack and play them in rhytm......Well I am struggling big time making chord changes fast enough to sounds decent.

My question is do I continue moving forward and the chord changes will come in time, or do I now stop moving on to the next lesson, which is new chords, until I have these chord changes smoothly? I have been playing the songs in the five chord power pack but rythm is majorly lacking. advice????????
