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Dejan Sajinovic
Senior Member
Joined: 04/03/02
Posts: 652
Dejan Sajinovic
Senior Member
Joined: 04/03/02
Posts: 652
12/10/2002 10:32 pm
Hmm, Slash let´s see:

Born in England (1965) but raised since his early age in L.A. Real name Saul Hudson. His grandmother bought his first guitar, a spanish guitar with two strings. Was an outsider in school and loved BMX bikes. First song he learned was Stairway To Heaven. Played guitar for 10 hrs evry day wich I by the way really really doubt. Axl didn´t like his playn´ style at first ´cause he thought Slash was to bluesy. During Guns years, Slash became famous and evrything that fame includes (drugs, sex with pornstars (Savanah), attitude problem, alchol problem, great music)
Quit GNR after huge fight with Axl. Started his own Slash´s Snake Pit wich realesed two albums so far. His fav. Metallica song is Disposable Heroes and fav. Metallica album Master Of Puppets. Plays Gibson Les Paul guitars through Marshall JCM amps.

That´s about it. Great player.
Dejan S. No speed limit