Dave -- sorry about this, but found a couple more minor issues.
For "leads over rock chorus - guitar 3" -- there's a part on the last page where there is no lead guitar for about four bars.
But for the intro to the lesson, where you play the segment at full speed, whoever edited the video stopped it right as the empty four bars hit. Can you ask them to add the rest of this section? This would be a HUGE help because as I learn each section, after I've done the slow play throughs at the end of the lesson, I often go to the beginning of the video lesson and work on playing just that section at speed. [br][br]So this is a problem because I can't play along for the last page of the section. (I assume whoever edited the video saw you pause and incorrectly assumed that was the end of that lesson).
The other issue is in the song intro. After you talk about how the tab is written for a partial capo, the tab is then written as though there is no capo added at all. So every time you say 2nd fret, the tab says 4th fret. For the entire section. [br][br]For me, this is no big deal, it's a pretty straightforward part of the song so I just follow the tab and pretend there's no capo. But if a beginner student is trying to learn the intro to this song, it may throw them off.
Again, apologies for the minor stuff. But I really do heavily rely on the at-speed intros, and following along with the tabs until I have each section memorized.
It's REALLY an AWESOME lesson and I'm going to have the entire song down in the next week or so (at slower speeds), and I'll get it up to speed over time.
Any recommendations for other similarly challenging songs you teach? I like your teaching style a lot, gonna be ready for another song soon...