Bad guitar day?

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05/29/2020 6:51 pm


Have you ever have a great practice day, everything worked, the pattern you struggle for days get solved almost like magic, the chord changes goes clean and you finish your practice happy and proud... then next day you cant do anything right? I mean, the position feel unconfortable, the sound comes weird, your hands feel in the wrong position everytime and you end up mostly of the practice time just starring at your hands and the guitar neck trying to figure it out whats going on?

No? anyone? just me? LOL

# 1
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05/29/2020 11:05 pm

I'm on day 5, so every day is a bad day for me. Keep it up.

# 2
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05/29/2020 11:32 pm

All the time! I had a bad day yesterday. I've had many days straight of pretty good practices. I attribute that to increased practice due to not being able to go anywhere!

But yesterday was a train wreck. I don't know why. There is a particular barre chord change that I am working on that is driving me crazy. And there is a blues rhythm piece I'm working on. Yesterday, these were both horrible. The second chord in this change (Cm) I could not form to save my life. And the on Blues Rhythm piece there is a chord with first finger on the 9th fret 3rd string and my pincky on the 12th fret 4th string, a double stop type thing. I could not get it right, again to save my life. my pinky kept muting the 3rd string.

Today, they were smooth as can be!

It happens. Progress is not a straight upward sloping line. There are and will continue to be bad days.

I've heard different theories on what to do on those bad days. I've heard pound it out and I have heard put the guitar away and do something else enjoyable. I tend to do the former.

Hopefully one of the knowledgable instructors on here with share thoughts.

[u]Guitars:[/u] 2014 PRS Santana, 2013 PRS Paul's, 2009 PRS Hollowbody, 1972 Gibson ES-325, 2012 Fender Strat American Standard, 2012 Yamaha Pacifica, Martin M-36, Martin 000-15M, Seagull S6 Classic[br][u]Amps:[/u] Fender Blues Junior III, Boss Eband JS-10, Line 6 POD 500X, Quilter Microblock 45

# 3
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05/30/2020 4:34 am

It happens to me all too often. Sometimes it just doesn't work at all. If I am just not feeling it I still want to put in some constructive practice time if I can, but I might do a shorter practice time than normal. Sometimes I will shift to practice something different, maybe loop back to a previous lesson even.

This is all part of the way the learning process works, too. As your brain and hands work to integrate all of this new stuff you are learning, sometimes you will regress a little. Often that period of regression is followed by a significant improvement as that integration process works itself out. Things start to come together and you can't understand why it seemed so difficult. [br][br]

Good luck with this, and know that you are definitely not alone with it![br][br]


It takes as long as it takes unless you quit - then it takes forever and you will never get there.

# 4
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05/31/2020 11:32 am

And bad guitar days

I've had a few

I've had my share wrong notes and butchered chords

But I've come through . . .

OK, maybe I haven't come through yet. My apologies to Queen, lol.

Yep, I have plenty of them.

# 5
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05/31/2020 4:43 pm
Originally Posted by: jrpierce06420

And bad guitar days

I've had a few

I've had my share wrong notes and butchered chords

But I've come through . . .

OK, maybe I haven't come through yet. My apologies to Queen, lol.

Yep, I have plenty of them.

Well played.

It takes as long as it takes unless you quit - then it takes forever and you will never get there.

# 6
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06/04/2020 8:05 pm

Oh look, apparently this thread is where I belong!

Just staring out, on to Lisa McCormick's Long Long Train. My head knows it off by heart now, as it's really not that hard. But try telling my fretting fingers that; [u]simple[/u] G to [u]simple[/u] A minor apparently. Ha! According to [u]my[/u] fingers there's nothing "simple" about it!

I thought I was getting it on Monday. Had to miss practice on Tuesday, totally rubbish yesterday, started thinking it was coming together again this session but no, sadly 'twas not to be. I found myself getting angry so that's clearly the time to stop and try again tomorrow . . .

# 7

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