Mike Olekshy
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/21/10
Posts: 1,064
Mike Olekshy
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/21/10
Posts: 1,064
05/04/2020 7:27 pm

Hey everybody - join me on Zoom this Friday for a workshop on Double Stops. Of course I'll take any guitar related questions as well! Check out the details:

Hope to see you there!


Keep rockin!
Mike Olekshy
GT Guitar Coach

# 1
William MG
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William MG
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05/04/2020 8:50 pm

Thanks for doing this Mike, see you Friday

ps, glad this is moved back to zoom for us non fb users

This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!

# 2
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05/04/2020 11:08 pm
Originally Posted by: Mike Olekshy

join me on Zoom this Friday ...SNIP...Check out the details:



No way to register or obtain a Zoom link off the above hotlink Mike. Entering my GT registered email the code box results in an error msg dialogue.


# 3
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05/05/2020 12:04 am


Actually can, just different from as it has previously been presented.

[br][u]How to[/u]

Ignore the initial presentation screen with Mike's lesson without a link, proceed to press Continue button on right of screen, fill in your email and name (required) details in their respective boxes, press the subsequent continue or apply button -I can't remember which and it isn't on my screen at present, and that will take you to another screen with a hotlink. Execute that hotlink and the relevant Zoom link will appear as well as the option to save the appointment in your preferred calendar etc.

[br]All good.

# 4
Mike Olekshy
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/21/10
Posts: 1,064
Mike Olekshy
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/21/10
Posts: 1,064
05/05/2020 1:24 pm

Thanks for adding the clear instructions manXcat!!


Originally Posted by: manXcat


Actually can, just different from as it has previously been presented.

[br][u]How to[/u]

Ignore the initial presentation screen with Mike's lesson without a link, proceed to press Continue button on right of screen, fill in your email and name (required) details in their respective boxes, press the subsequent continue or apply button -I can't remember which and it isn't on my screen at present, and that will take you to another screen with a hotlink. Execute that hotlink and the relevant Zoom link will appear as well as the option to save the appointment in your preferred calendar etc.

[br]All good.

Keep rockin!
Mike Olekshy
GT Guitar Coach

# 5

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