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Joined: 02/17/18
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Registered User
Joined: 02/17/18
Posts: 1,476
03/10/2020 7:15 pm

You parents bought you your first guitar?!!! Spoilt rich kids! 😜😜

My first wasn't until was old enough to hold a part time sufficiently well paying casual job in senior high school years to afford to buy my own, and then had to fight with my true passion -which went on to become my lifelong career, for funding.

Even in the early through mid 1970s when the JPY enabled entry into the guitar market of Yamaha, Ibanez, et al rendering decent quality cheaper guitars accessible to we of the non-silver spoon brigade, they weren't inexpensive in relative earning terms compared with what's on offer today. But viewed even from that perspective, I think the biggest factorial element no longer the financial barrier it once was is the primary consumable, tuition, required to effectively learn the instrument.