Clearly, I am not the one to ask. However, like the others, if you can afford it and it creates no friction in your life, no reason you can't collect them.
The only caveat is don't collect guitars just to have them. Having several guitars should serve a purpose. If you like the vibe of one guitar at one moment but then another you own catches your fancy, cool. Don't have a bunch of guitars that just hang on the wall and then just the 'one' you always play. That's no use. Though you will have favorites.
I do have a good number of instruments but all serve a tonal purpose. There are those folks that collect a million Les Paul's. That's not me. I have guitars that fall in to a type of sound I want. Each has a reason I bought it. Some are expensive and some are mid-priced. All of them have a reason.
Food for thought.