Too many guitars?

Jon Mo
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Jon Mo
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02/29/2020 3:40 pm

I have started learning guitar 10 months ago and I am mediocre at best. But I cant help myself from buying guitars. I currently own 5 of them(4 acoustics and one resonator). Should i become a better player before i buy more... That being said, I am on my way to the guitar shop.


# 1
William MG
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William MG
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02/29/2020 4:25 pm

Self restraint can be difficult to achieve and to maintain.

Probably best not to attempt it!

This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!

# 2
Frizzy Totay
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Frizzy Totay
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02/29/2020 6:58 pm

If you can afford them and you have space, the more the merrier! We only live once so enjoy it however you like!

# 3
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02/29/2020 7:21 pm

Sounds like a serious condition. Then you definately need to watch this performance.

Trust me you don't have as many guitars as this guy.



# 4
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02/29/2020 8:33 pm

Agree with you

# 5
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02/29/2020 9:17 pm
Originally Posted by: Poundhound

If you can afford them and you have space, the more the merrier! We only live once so enjoy it however you like!

@gogachachi, my philosophy on this runs very parallel to that of Poundhound. If you are not taking food off the table; if you're not risking the mortgage (or rent), why not?!?!

I am, like you, probably mediocre at best. And in my case even that is generous.

but I disagree with those that saying more or better guitars won't make you a better player. No, it won't directly. But every time I get a new guitar the enthusiasm promotes my practicing or playing more and, at least for a while, I'm improving.

Go for it! Enjoy!

[u]Guitars:[/u] 2014 PRS Santana, 2013 PRS Paul's, 2009 PRS Hollowbody, 1972 Gibson ES-325, 2012 Fender Strat American Standard, 2012 Yamaha Pacifica, Martin M-36, Martin 000-15M, Seagull S6 Classic[br][u]Amps:[/u] Fender Blues Junior III, Boss Eband JS-10, Line 6 POD 500X, Quilter Microblock 45

# 6
Jon Mo
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Jon Mo
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02/29/2020 10:21 pm

Thanks for all the replies. I enjoyed them. And if anyone is keeping track, I bought another stringed instrument... A Ukulele. I can take this with me when I travel as it fits in my checked bag.

# 7
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03/01/2020 8:51 pm

Four is not too many! I have 14.

# 8
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03/01/2020 10:53 pm
Originally Posted by: matonanjin2
Originally Posted by: Poundhound

If you can afford them and you have space, the more the merrier! We only live once so enjoy it however you like!

@gogachachi, my philosophy on this runs very parallel to that of Poundhound. If you are not taking food off the table; if you're not risking the mortgage (or rent), why not?!?!

I am, like you, probably mediocre at best. And in my case even that is generous.

but I disagree with those that saying more or better guitars won't make you a better player. No, it won't directly. But every time I get a new guitar the enthusiasm promotes my practicing or playing more and, at least for a while, I'm improving.

Go for it! Enjoy!


In fact, the older I get, the more I believe this general philosophy should be applied to most things in life.

And, I firmly believe that "better instrument" = easier to play = more fun to play = GOAL!

# 9
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03/02/2020 2:40 pm

Clearly, I am not the one to ask. However, like the others, if you can afford it and it creates no friction in your life, no reason you can't collect them.

The only caveat is don't collect guitars just to have them. Having several guitars should serve a purpose. If you like the vibe of one guitar at one moment but then another you own catches your fancy, cool. Don't have a bunch of guitars that just hang on the wall and then just the 'one' you always play. That's no use. Though you will have favorites.

I do have a good number of instruments but all serve a tonal purpose. There are those folks that collect a million Les Paul's. That's not me. I have guitars that fall in to a type of sound I want. Each has a reason I bought it. Some are expensive and some are mid-priced. All of them have a reason.

Food for thought.

# 10
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03/20/2020 6:14 pm

Remember that old addage that i go by: "Just because [u]want [/u]it doesn't mean you don't [u]need[/u] it!"

# 11
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03/21/2020 3:22 pm

At a new guitar every other month... You might want to start saving money to put a new addition on your house to store all that firepower. I watched a friend do exactly that when his guitar quiver got bigger than his practice space. If you think guitars are expensive, just wait....

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# 12

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