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I've been playing with a band for about 2 years now. We recently left home and moved to various uni's. We've been keeping the band going and it's been working out fine. Unfortunaly, I feel the rest of the band wants something different from what I'm after. I'm serious about playing. I love writing. I really want to concentrate on playing more original material and to try and move on, introduce people to our music, rather than trying to slip it in without anyone noticing. I'm proud of some of our stuff, I don't want to hide it. I'm just getting frustrated, we've always been kinda borderline in genre etc. but now they seem to want to take it more in the cover band direction, but I'm trying to move in the other direction. I don't want the force them to do anything, but by the same token, I don''t wanna be forced to do something I don't wanna do. I just don't like limiting our possibilities. I'm reluctant to do anything drastic though, we're becoming a fairly tight unit, and I don't want to have to start from scratch again. Am I just being stupid, or do I have a legitimate complaint, and if so, what do I do about it?